TEXT: 8:5-13

The starting point of faith is to believe in God’s character, that He is who He says, and the end point is to believe in God’s promises, that He will do what He says. we demonstrate the true faith when we believe that God will fulfil His promises, even though we don’t see those promises martializing yet. Heb11:1, Rom4:20-21, John0:24-31.

“And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him,” Matt8:5, Luke7:1-2. A centurion was a commander of a hundred men, in the Roman armies. He was a soldier, yet he was a godly man. No man’s calling or position is an excuse for unbelief and sin.

“And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented.” Matt8:6. The centurion told Jesus that the disease had reduced his servant to a state of paralysis due to the grievous torments which has rendered him bed ridden,

“And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him.” Matt8:7. The response of Jesus contained a promise which was interrupted by the centurion’s response.

“The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.” Matt8:8, Ps 107:20; Luke 15:19,21 The centurion was a great man, yet he surrendered   his unworthiness before God. He came to Christ with a petition, and humbly expressed himself. It is important to humble ourselves in all our approaches to Christ, and to God through Christ and to lie low in our own unworthiness before God. Because he had full confidence in the ability of Jesus to heal his servant, he requested him simply to give the command.

For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it.” Matt8:9.   I am a man under authority, that is, I am subject to the commands of others, and I know how to obey. I have under me soldiers who are accustomed to obedience. what I command, is done even in my absence, so I believe that your commands will be obeyed. If men obey me, an inferior officer, who is subject to another, how much more shall diseases obey you that is the original Source of power, who has control over all things.

“When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.” Matt8:10. That is, I have not found someone with so  great confidence and faith in my power among the Jews. The word faith, here, means confidence, or belief that Christ had power to heal his servant. It does not of necessity imply that he had saving faith; though from the connexion, and the spirit manifested, it seems probable that he had. If this was so, then he was the first Gentile convert to Christianity, and was a very early illustration of what was more dearly revealed afterwards, that the heathen were to be brought to the knowledge of the truth. Jesus—marvelled. Or wondered at his faith; or deemed it remarkable. Luke 7:9, Matt 15:28; Luke 5:20; Luke7:50.

Great Faith: He had an assurance of faith not only that Christ could cure his servant, but, that he could cure him at a distance. he believed, the cure might be wrought, without bringing the physician and patient together. He believed that physical contact was not necessary.  This centurion believed, and it is undoubtedly true, that the power of Christ knows no limits, and therefore nearness and distance are alike to him. Distance of place cannot obstruct either the knowing or working of him that fills all places. “Am I a God at hand, says the Lord, and not a God afar off?” Jere 23:23. The centurion believed, that he could cure him with a Word, not send him a medicine, much less a charm; but speak the word only, and I do not question but my servant shall be healed. Ps107:20, Gen1:3.

“And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven.” Matt8:11.   Men of every description, of all countries, and of all professions; and shall sit down, that is, to meat, like the posture used by the easterns at their meals.  With Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the closest communion with the most eminent followers of God.  But if we desire to inherit the promises, we must be followers of them who through faith and patience enjoy them.  Let us therefore imitate Abraham in his faith, Isaac in his obedience unto death, and Jacob in his hope and expectation of good things to come, amidst all the evils of this life, if we desire to reign with them 12:3; Isaiah 2:2-3; Acts14:27; Rom 15:9; Eph 3:6.

“But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Matt8:12. That is, the children, or the people, who expected the kingdom; or to whom it properly belonged; Who are outside the kingdom: For in the kingdom is light, and outside the kingdom is darkness. The image expresses the fact, that the wicked who are lost will be shut out from the light of heaven, and from peace, and joy; and hope; will be confined in gloomy darkness; will weep in hopeless grief; and gnash their teeth in indignation against God, and murmur against his justice.Matt 13:42,50; Matt21:43; Matt22:13; Matt24:51; Matt25:30; Luke 13:28; 2Peter 2:13,17; Jude 1:13.

“And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.” Matt8:13. He was healed in that selfsame hour. This showed decisively the goodness and power of Jesus. No miracle could be more complete. There could be no imposition, or deception. Therefore, let the mercy you request be equal to the faith you brought to receive it.


  1. This centurion was a heathen, a Roman soldier. Though he was a soldier, yet he was a godly man.
  2. No man’s calling or place should be an excuse for unbelief and sin.
  3. See how the centurion states his servant’s case. We should concern ourselves for the souls of our children and servants, who are spiritually sick, who feel not spiritual evils, who know not that which is spiritually good; and we should bring them to Christ by faith and prayers.
  4. Observe his self-abasement. Humble souls are made humbler by Christ’s gracious dealings with them.
  5. Observe his great faith. The more diffident we are of ourselves; the stronger will be our confidence in Christ.
  6. Herein the centurion owns him to have Divine power, and a full command of all the creatures and powers of nature, as a master over his servants. Such servants we all should be to God.
  7. we must go and come, according to the directions of God’s word and the disposals of His providence.
  8. But when the son of man comes, he finds little faith, therefore he finds little fruit.
  9. An outward profession may cause us to be called children of the kingdom; but if we rest in that, and have nothing else to show, we shall be cast out.
  10. The servant got a cure of his disease, and the master got the approval of his faith.
  11. What was said to him, is said to all, Believe, and ye shall receive; only believe. See the power of Christ, and the power of faith.
  12. The healing of our souls is at once the effect and evidence of our interest in the blood of Christ.
  13. He had an assurance of faith not only that Christ could cure his servant, but distance will not be a barrier.
  14. That he could cure him with a word, not send him a medicine, much less a charm; but speak the word only.

  CONCLUSION: The centurion did not act as many masters do when their servants are afflicted, have them immediately removed to an infirmary, often to a work-house; or sent home to friends or relatives, who probably either care nothing for them, or are unable to afford them any of the comforts of life. We should have a value and veneration for what we see of God, even in those who, in outward condition, are every way our inferiors. Ask the Lord now: Lord, help me to always humble myself before you and to believe in all things   in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: 8:14-17

“And when Jesus was come into Peter’s house, he saw his wife’s mother laid, and sick of a fever.” Matt8:14. This is a particular account of the cure of Peter’s wife’s mother, who was ill with a fever; The case, was nothing extraordinary; fevers are the most common illness at the time, but the patient being a near relation of Peter’s, it is recorded as an instance of Christ’s peculiar care of, and kindness to, the families of his disciples. Mark 1:29-31; Luke 4:38-39; 1Cor 9:5.

“And he touched her hand, and the fever left her: and she arose, and ministered unto them.” Matt8:15. Touched her hand, He could heal by a word, or by his touch. At his touch the fever left her. He touched her hand; not to know the disease, as the physicians do, by the pulse, but to heal it. This was a declaration of his kindness and tenderness; He Himself, is touched with the feeling of our infirmities. Heb4:15. This shows the way of spiritual healing, by the exerting of the power of Christ with his word, and the application of Christ to ourselves. The scripture speaks the word, the Spirit gives the touch, touches the heart, touches the hand. touched. Matt 8:3; Matt9:20; Matt14:36; Matt20:34; 2Kings 13:21; Isaiah 6:7; Mark 1:41; Luke 8:54 Acts 19:11-13

And ministered unto them. This showed that the fever left her, she arose, and ministered to them, in other words, she was well, and able to prepare a meal for the Lord.   She began to do what she could not do before. That was the evidence of her healing Luke 4:38,39; John 12:1-3.

From the above we can identify two vital things about the evidence of her healing.

  1. That the mercy was perfected. 1Cor13:10,2Cor12:9,2Cor13:9. Those that recover from fevers by the power of nature are commonly weak and feeble, and unfit for business for a while after; to show therefore that this healing was above the power of nature, she was immediately so well as to go about the business of the house.
  2. That the mercy was sanctified; 2Tim2:21 Though she was dignified by a peculiar favour from the Lord, yet she does not assume importance, but is ready to wait at table as any servant, as the occasion demands. Those whom Christ has honoured with deliverance must humble themselves to study what they should render. It is very important that they whom Christ hath healed should minister unto him, as his humble servants, all their days.

“When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick:” Matt8:16, Mark 1:32; Luke 4:40-41.

What did He do?  

  1. He cast out devils; Luke11:20. cast out the evil spirits with his word. There may be much of Satan’s agency, by the divine permission, in those diseases of which natural causes may be assigned, as in Job’s boils, especially in the diseases of the mind; but, about the time of Christ’s being in the world, there seems to have been more than ordinary letting loose of the devil, to possess and vex the bodies of people; he came, having great wrath, for he knew that his time was short; and God wisely ordered it so, that Christ might have the fairer and more frequent opportunities of showing his power over Satan, and the purpose and design of his coming into the world, which was to disarm and dispossess Satan, to break his power, and to destroy his works; and his success was as glorious as his design was gracious. 1John3:8.
  2. He healed all that were sick; all without exception, not a soul did the Lord Jesus ever reject, who came to him soliciting his aid. No sinner comes to him, conscious of his spiritual malady, to be healed by his merciful hand is ever left in despair, no matter how mean and bad the case may be.

“That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.” Matt8:17, Isaiah 53:4; 1Peter 2:24.

How the scripture was herein fulfilled, Mt 8:17. The accomplishment of the Old-Testament prophecies was the great thing Christ had in his eye, and the great proof of his being the Messiah: among other things, it was written of him. Isaiah 53:4. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: it is referred to, 1Peter 2:24, and there it is construed, He hath borne our sins; here it is referred to, and is construed, He hath borne our sicknesses; our sins make our sicknesses our griefs; Christ bore away sin by the merit of his death, and bore away sickness by the miracles of his life; He bore our sicknesses then, when he bore our sins in his own body upon the tree; for sin is both the cause and the sting of sickness. There are many  diseases and calamities to which we are liable in the body: and there is more,   He bore them before us; though he was never sick, yet he was hungry, and thirsty, and weary, and troubled in spirit, sorrowful and very heavy; he bore them for us in his passion, and bears them with us in compassion, being touched with the feeling of our infirmities: and thus he bears them off from us, and makes them sit light.2Cor4:17. Gal3:13,Matt26:42.


  1. The healing of Peter’s mother-in-law brought Him abundance of patients to be healed.
  2. That Peter had a wife, and yet was called to be an apostle of Christ; and Christ countenanced the marriage state, by being kind to his wife’s relations.
  3. That Peter had a house, though Christ had not, Matt 8:20
  4. That he had his wife’s mother with him in his family, which is an example to be kind to one another’s relations as their own.
  5. Probably, this good woman was old, and yet was respected and taken care of, as old people ought to be, with all possible tenderness.
  6. Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses; he was both able and willing and concerned to deal with our infirmities and sicknesses, as our Physician.

CONCLUSION: That she lay ill of a fever.  Neither the strength of youth, nor the weakness and coldness of age, will be a fence against diseases of this kind.  The palsy was a chronical disease, the fever an acute disease, but both were brought to Christ. Jesus has the power to heal all manner of disease. Ask the Lord now: Lord, touch my life with your healing power in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: 8:18-22

Following Jesus is not always easy or comfortable. Following Jesus is at great cost and sacrifice with no earthly rewards or security.

“Now when Jesus saw great multitudes about him, he gave commandment to depart unto the other side” Matt8:18. The people were desirous to have Jesus there with them, but He knew there were others also desirous to have Him with them. So, going to the other side was also a test for the multitude, whether their zeal would carry them to follow him, and listen to him, when his preaching was removed to some distance place. Many would be glad to follow, many will also prefer if they could have Him next door, such people will not take the pains to follow to the other side; and so, this will separate those who were less zealous, and the perfect is made manifest.

“And a certain scribe came, and said unto him, Master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest.” Matt8:19, Luke 9:57-58. Though this scribe belonged to a class which rejected Christ, yet he wants to be a disciple of Jesus, but he had not counted the cost. He was quick, eager, and too hasty in promising. Consider how he expressed his forwardness; Master, I will follow thee, whithersoever thou goest. His profession of a self-dedication and readiness to follow Christ means he is very ready and very resolute, in other words, “I have a mind to follow thee;” and “I am determined, I will do it.” I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest; not only to the other side of the country, but if it were to the utmost parts of the world.

And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head”.

Matt 8:20. This is a strange answer, because when a scribe offered to follow Christ, one would think Christ would have encouraged him, and said, Come, and I will take care of you but Christ saw his heart, and answered to the thoughts of his heart thereby testing the genuity and sincerity of his commitment to his desire to follow Christ.


First, HASTE. Eccl5:2, Pro29:20. the scribe’s resolve seems to have been sudden. Jesus wants us to sit down and count the cost before we take a decision Luke 14:28-30. We should do it intelligently, and with consideration, and choose the way of godliness, not because we know no other way, but because we know no better way. James1:19. Those that take up a sudden decision will throw it off again in a fret; it is better to take time, let him that will follow Christ know the worst of it, and understand what is involved.

Secondly, COVETEOUSNESS. Heb13:5, Luke12:15. His resolve seems to have been from a worldly, covetous principle. He saw the many healings Christ wrought, and concluded that He had large following and thereby large offerings, and therefore he would follow Him in hopes of growing rich with Him. There are many decisions people make due to sudden conviction without due consideration and this prove abortive, and will soon come to nothing. Like they say, soon ripe, soon rotten.


The sincerity of his forwardness was tried by Christ when He let him know that this Son of man, whom he is so eager to follow, has nowhere to lay his head, that if he follows Him, he cannot expect to fare better than he fared., Christ will accept none of his followers that aim at worldly advantages in following Him, or design to make anything but heaven of their Christianity. From the answer of Christ, his resolution was rash, and carnal, he did not consider at all, that which was to be considered. It is possible to think that this scribe, perhaps went away sorrowful and disappointed.


The foxes have holes. Though foxes are not only not useful, but hurtful, to man, yet God provides holes for them in which they live.  man, endeavours to destroy them, but they are sheltered; their holes are their castles.

 The birds of the air have nests; The birds of the air, though they take no care for themselves, yet are taken care of, and have nests Ps 104:17-18; nests in the field; some of them nests in the house; in God’s courts, Ps 84:3.

but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head”. This shows how poorly the Lord Jesus was provided for. It may encourage us to trust God for the things we need. That the beasts and birds have such good provision; and this may encourage and comfort us, if we want any need, that our Master did so before us.  Our Lord Jesus, when he was here in the world, submitted to the disgraces and distresses of extreme poverty; for our sakes he became poor, very poor. He had not a settlement, had not a place of rest, not a house of his own, to put his head in, not a pillow of his own, to lay his head on. He and his disciples lived upon the charity of well-disposed people, that ministered to him of their substance, Luke 8:2-3. Christ submitted to this, not only that He might in all respects humble himself, and fulfil the scriptures, which spoke of him as poor and needy, but that He might show us the vanity of worldly wealth, and teach us to look upon it with a holy contempt; that He might purchase better things for us, and so make us rich, 2Cor8:9.The answer of Jesus Christ to the scribe among other things clearly teaches us  sacrifice, trust in God ,humility, leadership by example etc.

And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father.” Matt8:21,1Kings 19:20; Luke 9:59-60.  The disciple either wanted to first attend the funeral and properly observe the last rites or that he might be permitted to remain at home until his father’s burial, and then follow Christ.

But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.” Matt8:22

The word dead is often used by the Jews to express indifference towards a thing; or to show that, that thing has no influence over us.  So, to be dead to the world; to be dead to the law Rom 7:4; to be dead to sin Rom 6:11; means that the world, law, and sin, have no influence or control over us; that we are free from them.  Therefore, a body in the grave is unaffected by the pomp and vanity, by the celebration and splendour that may be near the tomb. So, men of the world are dead to God. This is the class of men to which the Saviour referred here. Let men, who are uninterested in my work, and who are dead in sins, Eph 2:1 take care of the dead. Natural death is the separation of the body and soul; spiritual death is the separation of God and the soul. Men who live in sin are dead to God.  Leave the spiritually dead to bury their natural dead. Your duty is now to follow me.


Follow me – FOLLOW THE VOICE OF GOD. John10:27. When God calls, leave the business of the world to them who are dead to God.

let the dead bury their dead. SACRIFICE.  Luke 14:26-28. Jesus is teaching us that the duty to the Lord is higher than any earthly duty, and when one must yield to the other it must be the higher one, because, yielding to the lower one is a case of “loving father or mother more than me” Matt 10:37. Christ chose to require of the man a very extraordinary sacrifice to show his sincere attachment to him.


LOYALTY. The answer was to test the character and commitment of the man.  If he had proper love for Christ, he would be willing to leave his friends even in the most tender and trying circumstances.  Luke 14:27, John21:15-17. Jesus demands complete loyalty, even family loyalty was not to take priority over the demands of obedience. The decision to follow Jesus should not be put off even though other loyalties compete for our attention. Nothing should be placed above a total commitment to living for Christ.

DOUBLE MINDED. James1:8. The answer may have been, that the Saviour saw that the effect of visiting his home at that time might clear away all his serious impressions about Christ, and that he would change his mind and return to Him no more, his friends might ridicule or oppose him, or present convincing arguments, in the afflictions of the family, why he should not return to Christ.


  1. The multitude was tested. Certain changes or moves where you are could be a test, so be sensitive.
  2. Count your cost. Jesus was always direct with those who wanted to follow Him, by making sure they counted the cost and set aside any conditions they might have for following Him.
  3. Do not be hasty in deciding.
  4. Avoid covetousness
  5. Follow the voice of God
  6. Sacrifice. extraordinary sacrifice is required to show sincere attachment to Jesus Christ.
  7. 1cor4:17, Eph6:21, Col1:2&7
  8. Make up your mind. Do not be double minded.
  9. The duty to the Lord is higher than any earthly duty.
  10. God provided well for the inferior creatures. It should encourage us to trust God for our provision.
  11. Our Lord Jesus was poorly provided for, yet He submitted to this, not only that He might humble himself in all respects, and fulfil the scriptures, which spoke of him as poor and needy, but that He might show us the vanity of worldly wealth, and teach us to look upon it with a holy contempt; that He might purchase better things for us, and so make us rich. 2Co 8:9.

CONCLUSION: Christ properly managed the two different characters, one quick and eager, the other dull and heavy; and His instructions relates to each of them, and designed for our use. Ask the Lord now: Lord, to help you always know that the duty to God is higher than any earthly duty in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: 8:23-27

“And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him.” Matt8:23

The twelve disciples kept close to Him. The true disciples of Christ, are those that are willing to go to sea with him, to follow him into dangers and difficulties. Many will rather standstill, or go back, than venture into a dangerous sea; but those that would rest with Christ hereafter must follow him now wherever He leads them, into a ship or into a prison, as well as into a palace. Those who follow Him must be ready for the inherent difficulties. Matt 8:20.

“And, behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea, insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves: but he was asleep.” Matt8:24, Mark 4:37; Luke 8:23.

There arose a very great storm. Christ could have prevented this storm, and would have ordered a pleasant passage for them, but that would not be for His glory and the confirmation of their faith for their deliverance. This storm was for their sakes. John 11:4, Rom8:28. One would have expected, that having Christ with them, they should have had a very favourable sail, but it is quite contrary, because Christ wants to show that those who are passing with him over the ocean of this world to the other side, must expect storms by the way. John16:33, Acts14:22.  The church is tossed with tempests Isaiah 54:11. it is only the heavens that enjoys a perpetual calm, this earth is ever in turmoil.

But Jesus Christ was asleep in this storm. We never read of Christ’s sleeping but at this time He slept calmly and peacefully, He apprehended no danger, and showed to his disciples how calmly one can sleep with a pure conscience, and feels safe in the hands of God. Those that can lay their heads upon the pillow of a clear conscience, may sleep quietly and sweetly in a storm Ps 4:8, Acts 12:6. Jesus slept at this time, to try the faith of his disciples, whether they could trust Him when He seemed to ignore them.

“And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying, Lord, save us: we perish.” Matt8:25. The disciples, though used to the sea, were in a great fear, and in their fear came to their Master, and they awoke Him with their prayers; Lord, save us, we perish. Imminent and sensible dangers will always drive people to God who alone can help in time of need. Hosea5:15, Ps46:1. Ps 10:1.

What was their Prayer/Petition? Lord, save us. They believed He could save them; Christ’s mission in the world was to save, but only those that call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:21. They call him, Lord, and then pray, Save us. Christ will only save those that are willing to take Him as their Lord; for he is a Prince and a Saviour. John3:17, John12:47.

What was their plea?  We perish. 2Chro 14:11; 2Chro20:12; Jonah 1:6. This was a language of fear; they looked at their case as desperate, and gave up all hope; they had a sentence of death within themselves, 2Cor1:9 and so they pleaded, if you do not save us; and look upon us with pity, we perish. It was also a language of fervency. They prayed as men in earnest that beg for their is our responsibility to strive and wrestle in prayer. James5:16. therefore, Christ slept, that He might bring out this importunity in us.

“And he saith unto them, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.” Matt8:26.

Ps 65:7; Ps89:9; Ps107:29.

Why are ye fearful. He rebuked the disciples for disturbing themselves with their fears. in other words, you should have remembered that the Son of God, the Messiah, was on board. You should not have forgotten that He had power to save, and that with him you are safe. So, Christians should never fear danger, disease, or death. With Jesus they are safe. No enemy can reach Him; and as He is safe, so they shall also be.  John 14:19. Christ reproved them first, and then delivered them; this is the  way, to prepare us for  mercy, and then to give it us.  O ye of little faith? In other words, you have small confidence in my knowledge and power. Faith is ever bold.  When faith fails in temptation, there is danger of shipwreck.  Lord, increase our faith! is a necessary prayer for all who desire to be saved. Luke17:5.  

Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea. It was important to remove the cause of the disturbance. The agitation of the sea was because of the wind. He commanded them to be still. What a power was this! What irresistible proof that He was Divine!  that He was truly the Son of God.

 and there was a great calm. The winds were still; and the sea ceased to dash against the vessel, and to endanger their lives. One word of Christ can change the face of nature; one word of His can restore calm and peace to the most troubled soul.

“But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him”. Matt8:27

But the men marvelled. They wondered, and were amazed because they are conversant with the sea, but, in all their lives, they had never seen a storm so immediately turned into a perfect calm. It has all the marks and signatures of a miracle upon it; it is the Lord’s doing, and is marvellous in their eyes. Ps118:23

What manner of man is this. How great is this person. How unlike other men.

that even the winds and the sea obey him.  He has a commanding power even over winds and seas. We know not the way of the wind much less can we control it; but he that bringeth forth the wind out of his treasury when it is out, gathers it into his fists. John3:8, Ps135:7, Pro 30:4.  He that can do this, can do anything, can do enough to encourage our confidence and comfort in him, in the stormiest day, within or without. Isaiah 26:4. The Lord sits upon the floods, and is mightier than the noise of many waters. Christ, by commanding the seas, showed himself to be the same that made the world, when, at his rebuke, the waters fled Ps 104:7-8.


  1. Jesus slept to to try the faith of his disciples, whether they could trust Him
  2. Christ slept, that he might draw out this importunity.
  3. must expect storms.

CONCLUSION:  II. The power and grace of Jesus Christ put forth for their succour: then the Lord Jesus awaked, as one refreshed, Ps 78:65.

 Christ may sleep when his church is in a storm, but he will not outsleep himself: the time, the set time to favour his distressed church, will come, Ps 102:13. The Lord sits upon the floods, and is mightier than the noise of many waters. Christ, by commanding the seas, showed himself to be the same that made the world, when, at his rebuke, the waters fled Ps 104:7-8. Ask the Lord now: Lord, increase your faith in Him in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: 8:28—34

Christ came to deliver men from the miserable enslavement of Satan, but the world would rather choose their conveniences than go with Christ.

” And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way. Matt8:28Mark 5:1; Luke 8:26. From scriptures it can be observed that there were more people possessed with evil spirits in the New Testament than in the Old Testament. Our Saviour came into the world to destroy the works of the devil; therefore, he suffered Satan to enter some human bodies, to show His divine power in casting them out. 1John3:8, Luke11: 20. The devil is exceeding fierce, that is, violent in nature because they have some power. Remember, that the evil angels by their fall, lost their purity but not their power. However, the devils cannot do all the mischief they want, because of the restraining power of God that hinders them from doing mischief to the bodies and lives of men. John10:10.

 “And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time”? Matt8:29. The devils knew Christ to be the Son of God, and that He came into the world to be a Saviour, but not their Saviour; and therefore, they cry out. James2:19

 what is their outcry against Christ?

  1. What have we to do with thee, or thou with us? This is a Jewish phrase, signifying a sudden refusal of some request, or a desire not to be troubled with the pressure of others. Jehu said to the messenger who was sent by Joram to meet him, what hast thou to do with peace? 2Kings 9:18. David said, what have I to do with you, ye sons of Zeruiah?  2Sam16:10. Jesus used the same phrase. John 2:4. Mark5:7. So the demons were threatened by the Prescence of Jesus.

Art, thou come to torment us Before the time? that is, before the day of judgment which is the time appointed by God for their final torments. Even devils knew that God would fulfil His word, in punishing them at his own appointed time., therefore they pray Increase not our torments before the appointed time of their increase. 2Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6, Rev 12:12, Rev20:1-2. What about you? Heb9:27

And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding.” Matt8:30. The word herd, here applies to swine and the number that composed this herd was two thousand. Mark 5:13.

“So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the

herd of swine.” Matt8:31, Mark 5:12, Luke 8:30-33.

 suffer us to go away into the herd of swine? What does this mean?.it means Send us away. They were seeking permission. This expresses the absolute power Jesus Christ had over them, the very power by which they were to go away must come from Christ himself. It is therefore clear that the devils could not possess the body of one of the morally low animals that God has made, without immediate authority from the Highest! Since a demon cannot enter even into a swine without being sent by God himself, how little is the power of any of them to be dreaded by those who have God for their portion and protection. This shows the empty boast of Satan.Matt4:9. It is a notable evidence of Satan’s limited power, that a whole legion of devils had not power to destroy one man, nor were able to hurt the meanest creatures without permission. It shows that the devil’s acknowledges their own impotency and powerlessness over the superiority of the power of Chrit. Their asking permission from Christ to go into the swine shows that they could not go of themselves. The power of the devil is limited and bounded, he cannot do all the mischief he wants, so he shall not do all he can.

“And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters.” Matt8:32. The prayer of these demons was heard and answered!  Isn’t that Strange?

Their prayer was, allow us to go into the herd of the swine. And the answer from Jesus was GO! They wanted a word and they got it. 1Kings22:22; Job 1:10-12; Job2:3-6. it must be noted, that God only hears demons and certain sinners when their prayer is the echo of his own justice.  Christ permits the demons to do that in the swine which he did not permit them to do in the possessed. This is to show us what rage they would exercise on us if left to their liberty and wickedness.  There are many Divine favours which we do not consider, or know that we enjoy in God. The owners of the swine lost their property. This again shows us how small value temporal riches are in the estimation of God.  He suffers them to be lost, sometimes to disengage us from them through mercy; sometimes out of justice, to punish us for having acquired or preserved them either by covetousness or injustice. This therefore teaches us that our duty is to prayerfully commit ourselves, and all that we have, morning and evening, into the hands of God’s care; all that we have in the house, and all that we have in the field, that it may be preserved from the power and wickedness of evil spirits.1Peter5:7, Pro3:5-6.

“And they that kept them fled, and went their ways into the city, and told everything, and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils.” Matt8:33. The keepers fled in consternation, terrified at what had happened to the swine.. They were amazed at his power. Perhaps they feared a further destruction of property; or, more likely, they were acquainted with the laws of the Jews, and regarded this as a judgment of Heaven for keeping forbidden animals, and for tempting the Jews to violate the commands of God. They dreaded, perhaps, further punishment, and foolishly came and besought Jesus to depart from their country.

“And, behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus: and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts.” Matt8:34. What a contrary effect this miracle which Christ wrought had upon these people. instead of believing on him for his miraculous cure of the possessed, the loss of their swine enraged them, and makes them desire Christ to depart from them.  Temporal losses are so great in worldly men’s estimation, that spiritual advantages are nothing esteemed, carnal hearts prefer their swine before their Saviour; and had rather lose Christ’s presence than their worldly profits. The Gadarenes were unanimous and persistent to get rid of Christ, the whole city came out, and are not only willing to see his departure, but they beseech him to depart out of their coasts. Acts 16:39


  1. The devils showed they know their fate
  2. They are less powerful

CONCLUSION: When Christ departs from you, it will be a deplorable and sad condition for such one, but it will be a more deplorable sad state for those who say unto Christ, depart from me, and most deplorably sad is the case of them that intreat and beseech Christ to depart, from them.  This the Gadarenes did, and accordingly Christ took ship and departed from them, and we never read of his return unto them. Ask the Lord now: Lord, to help you trust Him more in Him in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: 9:1-8

When we desire God, He satisfies our desire. In the preceding verse the people desired His departure from them and Christ departed according to their desire.

 “And he entered into a ship, and passed over, and came into his own city.” Matt9:1. Matt 4:13. Our Lord Jesus Christ will not trouble any one with his presence who is weary of his company and desirous of His departure. And He entered a ship, Jesus agreed to the request of the people and recrossed the lake of Gennesareth, and returned to his own city. By his own city is meant Capernaum, Mark 2:1 the city which was at that time his home, or where he had his dwelling. Matt 4:13.

 “And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee. Matt9:2, Matt 8:10, Mark 2:3, Luke 5:18. Palsy is the weakness of the nerves and the joints, and confines the victim to his bed.

 Jesus seeing their faith that is, their firm persuasion that he was clothed with a divine power, and able to help. It was not the sick man’s faith, but the faith of his friends.  The faith of others may prevail for obtaining blessings for us. The centurion’s faith healed his servant, Matt8:8 and Jairus’s faith raised his daughter. Mark5:23.

 be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee. Moral evil has been the cause of all the natural evil in the world.  Christ goes to the source of the malady, which is sin; as the cause in all our afflictions. The efficacy and power of faith obtains not only what was desired, but more than was expected; they desired only the healing of the body, but Jesus seeing their faith, heals body and soul too, saying, be of good cheer, thy sins are forgiven thee; showing, that diseases proceed from sin.

“And, behold, certain of the scribes said within themselves, This man blasphemeth.” Matt9:3. Innocence can protect no man from slander and false accusations. Jesus was accused of blasphemy, of sorcery, and of the blackest crimes.

And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts?” Matt9:4, Heb4:12. The word of God is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Ps 139:2; Matt 12:25; Mark 12:15; Luke 5:22Luke 6:8; Luke 9:47; Luke 11:17. God knows the secrets of all hearts-no sin escapes his notice; it is senseless for a sinner to think he sins securely when unseen by men!  Let us take heed to our hearts, as well as to our conduct, for God searches out and condemns all that does not come from God.

Our Saviour demonstrated two-fold of His God head.

  1. Letting them understand that He knew their thoughts; for to search the hearts, and to know the thoughts, of the children of men, is not in the power either of angels or men, but the prerogative of God only.
  2. The Son of man hath power to forgive sins. Our Saviour here, by forgiving sins in his own name, and his own authority, gives the world an undeniable proof and convincing evidence of his godhead: for, who can forgive sins, but God only?

For whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and walk?” Matt9:5. In other words, both require   Divine power? if I can heal his disease, I can forgive his sins: especially as his disease is the consequence of his sins. Therefore, take away the root if that is the cause of the disease. Mark 2:9-12.

“But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.” Matt9:6

But that ye may know; by healing the sick of the palsy He manifests himself to be God, and therefore able to forgive sins.1Tim3:16

  Hath power on earth to forgive sins. “Authority” He had “authority” from the Father who had sent Him, and who had committed judgment to His Hands on earth. John 5:21-23; John10:28; John17:2 John 20:21-23.

“And he arose, and departed to his house.”  Matt9:7. His rising and departure was a proof of his healing by the power of God.

“But when the multitudes saw it, they marvelled, and glorified God, which had given such power unto men.” Matt9:8. The multitude marvelled, but not believed; they admire our Saviour as an extraordinary man, but did not believe in Him as the Son of God:  they praise God for giving such power to heal the bodies of men: but not for sending His Son into the world, to save the souls of men.


  1. Sins are the cause of our afflictions, and Christ only forgives them if we believe.
  2. Jesus Christ is the only faithful, and compassionate physician, that can heal both soul and body.

CONCLUSION:    The conversion of one rebellious soul is a greater miracle, and more to be admired than all that can be wrought on inanimate creatures.  He who sees a sinner converted from the error of his way sees a miracle wrought by eternal power and goodness.  May such miracles be multiplied! Ask the Lord now: Lord, to heal you from the root of your affliction you in Him in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT9:9-13

The Christian life is not a popularity contest, we should share the good news with the poor, immoral, lonely, and outcast, not just the rich, moral, popular, and powerful.

“And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him.” Matt9:9, Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27

The Name Matthew, signifies a gift in Syriac; probably so named by his parents as implying a gift from God.

  The receipt of custom, is the place where the taxes levied were collected.

  Follow me. That is, become my disciple.

   And he arose, and followed him.  When the inward call of the Spirit accompanies the outward call of the word, the soul readily complies, and yields obedience to the voice of God.  How blessed it is to be obedient to the first call of Christ.  much happiness and glory is lost by delays, though conversion at last may have taken place. Christ oftentimes speaks by his word to our ears, and we hear not, we move not: but when he speaks by his Spirit to our hearts, Satan shall not hold us down, the world shall not keep us back, but we shall arise, and follow our Lord and Master. Luke19:2-10 Matt 4:18-22; 1Kings 19:19-21; Gal1:16

 “And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples.” Matt9:10, Mark 2:15; Luke 5:29.  Matthew made a great feast on the occasion testifying of his gratitude for the honour done him by Jesus; and that his friends and acquaintances might benefit by the teaching of his new master, he invites them to the entertainment that was honoured by the presence of Christ.  His companions were not the creditable kind.  They were tax-gatherers and sinners, Mark 2:15-17. Christ’s conversing with sinners is here called mercy; for to promote the conversion of souls is the greatest act of mercy. The gospel call it a call to repentance; a call to us to change our minds, and to change our ways. If the children of men had not been sinners, there had been no need for Christ to come among them. Let us examine whether we have found out our sickness, and have learned to follow the directions of our great Physician.

“And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners?” Matt9:11, Matt 11:19; Luke 5:30; Luke15:2; Gal 2:15 It is a painful thing to wicked men to find others brought in to Christ; the wicked pharisees murmur, and envy, instead of admiring Christ’s condescension, and adoring his divine goodness, they attack Him for conversing with sinners; but Christ tells them in the following verses, that he conversed with them as their physician, not as their companion.

“But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.” Matt9:12.

In other words, “With whom should the physician converse, but with his sick patients?  Now I am come into the world to do the office of a kind physician unto men, surely then I am to take all opportunities to help and heal them. They that are sick need the physician, but for you Pharisees, who are whole and well in your own opinion and swelled with a conceit of your own righteousness, I have no hopes of doing any good upon you; for such as think themselves whole desire no physician’s help.

“But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Matt9:13, Micah 6:6-8; Matt 12:7; 1Tim 1:15.

But go ye and learn. To reprove them, and to vindicate his own conduct, He appealed to a passage of Scripture with which they ought to have been acquainted. Hosea 6:6.

  I will have mercy, and not sacrifice.  1Sam 15:22. These are remarkable words.  Which we may understand to imply, I prefer mercy to sacrifice; or, I am more pleased with acts of benevolence and kindness than with a mere external compliance with the duties of religion. That is, that God prefers an act of mercy, shown to the needy, to any act of religious worship.  Both are good; but the former is the greater good, and should be done in preference to the other. secondly, that the whole sacrificial system was intended only to point out the infinite mercy of God to fallen man, in his redemption by the blood of the new covenant.  And thirdly, that we should not rest in the sacrifices, but look for the mercy and salvation shown by them.   Mercy means, benevolence or kindness towards others. Sacrifices were offerings made to God on account of sin, or as an expression of thanksgiving.

  I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners. No human beings are by nature righteous, Ps 14:3; Rom 1:18-32; Rom3:10-18. The Pharisees, however, pretended to be righteous. Christ by this answer, meant that it was not the design of His coming to call such persons to repentance.  He came to seek and save such, and it was his proper business, therefore, to associate with them.


  1. That we must be ready to leave all and follow God.
  2. That God prefers mercy to sacrifice
  3. Christ calls the humble sinners unto him, but he condemns the proud hypocrites.
  4. That one can be called from anywhere-At the table where the tax was received.
  5. That sin is the soul’s malady, its spiritual disease and sickness.
  6. That Christ is the physician appointed by God for the cure and healing of this disease and malady.
  7. That there are multitudes spiritually sick, who yet think themselves sound and whole.
  8. That only such as are sensible of their spiritual sickness, are subjects capable of cure, and the persons whom Christ is a healing physician to; They that are whole need not a physician, but they that are sick.
  9. God is concerned for all people including the sinful and hurting ones.
  10. The Christian life is not a popularity contest, following Jesus example, we should share the good news with the poor, immoral, lonely, and outcast, not just the rich, moral, popular and powerful.

CONCLUSION: Those who are sure that they are good enough cant be saved because the first step in following Jesus is acknowledging our need and admitting that we do not have all the answers. Ask the Lord now: Lord, help me to be humble and to share the good news to all, no matter who they are   in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT9:14-17

Fasting simply means going without food and drinks. Matt11:18.

“Then came to him the disciples of John, saying, Why do we and the Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not?” Matt9:14, Mark2:18; Luke 5:33; Luke18:12.

Why do we and the Pharisees fast oft, The Pharisees fasted often, regularly twice a week, besides the great national days of fasting, Luke 18:12. Because of the character, and the nature of the message John was sent to deliver, his disciples imitated him by keeping frequent fasts. Matt 11:18.

Thy disciples fast not?  meaning that the disciples of Jesus Christ did not fast so frequently as the others did.  The disciples of John were in deep grief on account of John’s imprisonment at the time and probably observed days of fasting. Fasting was the natural expression of sorrow, and they wondered that the followers of Jesus did not join with them in lamenting the captivity of him who was the forerunner and baptizer of their Lord.

“And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? but the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast.” Matt9:15

Acts 13:2-3; Acts14:23; 1Cor 7:5

Christ referred them to John’s testimony of Him. John 3:29. Though there is no doubt that Jesus and his disciples lived in a simple manner, it would be improper for His disciples to fast while they had the comfort of his presence. When He is with them, all is well. The presence of the sun makes day, and its absence produces night. Christ, in reply to them, used three illustrations, all of them going to establish the same thing, that we should observe order and decency in things.1Cor14:40.

 The First Illustration: MARRIAGE. “Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them?  that is, shall the companions of the bridegroom during the marriage-feast fast? Luke5:34, Judges 14:10-11. Fasting is an expression of sorrow, not suitable for the marriage-feast while the bridegroom is still present.  Christ is the bridegroom of the church. While He was personally present with His disciples, it was not suitable that they should fast. Jesus with them, it is a time of festivity and rejoicing; and fasting would not be appropriate

“but the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast.” In other words, the days are coming after His removal from them, they would have trials that would make fasting proper. When He is taken away, their festivity will end, and then will be the proper time to fast. They are not ripe for it now. But as for you the disciples of John, your friend and teacher, is in captivity. With you it is a time of deep grief, and it is fit and proper that you should fast. I am with my disciples. To them, it is a time of joy. It is not fit and proper that they should use the grief of John to fast now. When I am taken away, it will then be proper that they should fast.

“No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse.” Matt9:16

The second Illustration: NEW CLOTH UNTO AN OLD GARMENT.

 “No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment,” Our Lord further reminded them of common rules of prudence or fitness of things. It was not usual to take a piece of rough woollen cloth, which had never been prepared, to join to an old garment.

 for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse. it would contract and draw off a part of the garment to which it was attached, and thus make the rent worse than it was. In other words, my new doctrines do not match with the old rites of the Pharisees. There is a fitness of things. Their doctrines required much fasting. In my system it would not be fitting; and if my new doctrines (tenets, beliefs, teachings) were to be attached to their old ones, it would only make the matter worse. Isaiah55:8- 9. These illustrations is to show the foolishness of patching up, or reforming, an old, worn-out religion like Judaism.

“Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.” Matt9:17

The third illustration: NEW WINE INTO OLD BOTTLES.

 “Neither do men put new wine into old bottles.  Bottles, means vessels made of animal skins. Bottles, in eastern nations, were made, and are still, of skins of animals. Generally, the skin was taken entire from a sheep or a goat, and made into sacks and filled with wine or water. They are still used, because, in crossing deserts of sand, they have no other conveyances but camels, or other animals of burden. It would be difficult for them to carry glass bottles or kegs on them. They therefore fill two skins, and fasten them together, and lay them across the back of a camel, and carry wine or water to a great distance. By long usage, however, they of course became tender and weak, and would be easily ruptured.

 “Else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish.” New wine put into them would ferment, and swell and burst them open.

“But they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.” New skins or bottles would yield to the fermenting wine, and be strong enough to hold it from bursting. putting the new wine into strong, new, skin bottles, both would be preserved So, Christ says, there is a fitness of things. It is not fit that my doctrine should be attached to, or connected with, the old and corrupt doctrines of the Pharisees. New things should be put together, and made to match. Rom1:16-17. Great caution and care are necessary, that young converts may not receive gloomy and forbidding ideas of the service of our Lord; but duties are to be given as they are able to bear them.1Cor10:15, Matt9:29.  Give harsh teachings to such as have strength to receive them.1Cor10:23-33,1Cor8:6-13.


  1. John’s disciples fasted (went without food) as a sign of mourning for sin and preparation for the Messiah’s coming
  2. Jesus disciples did not need to fast because He is the Messiah and was with them.
  3. Jesus did not condemn fasting. Matt4:2 He emphasised that fasting must be done for the right reasons.
  4. That we should observe order and decency in all things
  5. Fasting must be Suitable, it must fit the purpose, wisdom and care must be applied when it concerns new converts.

CONCLUSION: Christian teachings requires that the weak, and newly converted, should be managed with CARE and tenderness.  To impose such doctrine and mortifications that are not absolutely necessary to salvation, before God has properly prepared the heart by his grace for them, is dangerous and it is like putting a piece of raw, incomparable cloth on an old is like, requiring a person to do the work of a man, while he is yet but a little child.

Therefore, Christians especially those who are instruments in God’s hand have need of much heavenly wisdom, that they may know to watch over, guide, and advise those who are new converts, because many have been ruined by men proceeding too hastily, endeavouring to make their own designs take place, and to have the honour of that success themselves which is due only to God. Ask the Lord now: Lord, help me to be an example of a good builder and not an instrument of destruction in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT9:18-26

While he spake these things unto them, behold, there came a certain ruler, and worshipped him, saying, my daughter is even now dead: but come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live.” Matt9:18.

There came a certain ruler. The gospel of Mark and Luke say that the name of this ruler was Jairus, and that he was a ruler of the synagogue; that is, one of the elders to whom was committed the care of the synagogue. Mark 5:22; Luke 8:41

And worshipped him. That is, fell down before him, or expressed his respect and profound regard for Him. Observe the humble posture in which this man came unto Christ, falling at his foot and worshipping him; it was not only a sign of tender affection towards his daughter, but evidence of his faith in our blessed Saviour. The daughter was dead yet he worshiped matter the situation learn to worship God before you make your request known unto Him, because those who would receive mercy from Christ, must honour him.

My daughter is even now dead. For any other physician it would now be too late, but Christ is never too late; He is a Physician after death, for He is the resurrection and the life. John11:25. The death of our relations should drive us to Christ, who is our life.

But come and lay thy hand upon her, and she shall live. The laying of hands was used by the servants of God, through which heavenly influences were conveyed to the bodies and souls of men. It is still used in certain Churches. He invited Jesus and confined Him to lay His hand upon her. This also shows the weakness of his faith; come, says he, and lay thine hand upon her, and she shall live.  As if Christ could not have healed her, without either coming to her, or laying His hand upon her. Though, not all that come to Christ are strong alike in faith, but our blessed Redeemer refuses none that come unto him with a sincere faith.  Though, he came in much weakness of faith, Jesus arose, and followed him.

“And Jesus arose, and followed him, and so did his disciples.” Matt9:19.

Jesus rose to the invitation with His disciples. We must be ready to go with the master wherever He goes.

“And Jesus arose and followed him. The readiness of Christ to comply with the invitation is worthy of note. Jesus immediately arose, and followed him; He was not only willing to grant him what he desired, in raising his daughter to life, but to gratify him by coming to his house to do it. Surely, He never said to the seed of Jacob, Seek ye me in vain. Isaiah45:19. Jesus denied to go along with the nobleman, who said, Sir, come down, ere my child die. John 4:48-50, yet He went along with the ruler of the synagogue, who said, Sir, come down, and my child shall live. The variety of methods which Christ took in working His miracles is perhaps due to the different frame and temper of mind of those who approached him, which He who searcheth the heart perfectly knew, He knows what is in man, and what course to take with him.

 and so did his disciples. when Jesus followed him, so did his disciples, whom He had chosen. it was not for show that He took his disciples with him, but that they might be the witnesses of his miracles, who were hereafter to be the preachers of his doctrine. Our blessed Lord could have acted as well at a distance as present; but He goes to the place, to teach His ministers not to spare either their steps or their pains when the salvation of a soul is in question.  Let them not think it sufficient to pray for the sick in their closets; but let them go to their bed-sides, that they may instruct and comfort them. Matt25:32-40. You can have little unction in private, if you do not also give himself up to public duties.

“And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:” Matt9:20

Mark 5:25; Luke 8:43

While Christ is on His way to the ruler’s house, a diseased woman comes behind Him, touched his garment, and is instantly healed; the virtue lay not in her finger, but in Christ, which her faith instrumentally drew forth. Our faith often meets with a sweeter welcome than we could expect.  This woman came to Christ trembling, but went away triumphing; Christ tells her be of good comfort, thy faith hath made thee whole.

“For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.” Matt9:21. Her disorder was of delicate nature that modesty forbids her to make any public acknowledgment of it. She had suffered for twelve years with menstrual disorder. In our time of desperation, we do not have to worry about the correct way to reach out to God, like this Woman We Can Simply Reach Out in Faith, He will respond.  By faith in Christ Jesus, little things are often rendered effective to our salvation.

“But Jesus turned him about, and when he saw her, he said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.” Matt9:22. Luke 7:50; Luke 8:48; Luke17:19; Luke18:42

Mark says that the woman, fearing and trembling, came and told him all the truth. Perhaps she feared that, from the impure nature of her disease, he would be offended that she touched Him.

Daughter, be of good comfort. In other words, take courage, daughter. Matt 9:2. The reason for this kind speech was, Jesus, finding that virtue had proceeded from Him; made inquiry who had touched him.  The woman, finding that she could not be hid, came fearing and trembling, Mark 5:33, and confessed the truth. To dispel these fears and to comfort her mind, Jesus said, Daughter, take courage. Jesus silenced her fears, commended her faith, and sent her away in peace. He used an endearing appellation, calling her daughter, a word of tenderness and affection, and dismissed her who had been twelve long and tedious years labouring under a weakening and offensive disease, now in an instant made whole.

Thy faith hath made thee whole. Meaning thy faith hath saved thee. Thy faith in my power has interested that power in thy behalf, so that thou art saved from thy disorder, and from all its consequences. Luke 8:46. Her faith, her strong confidence in Jesus, had been the means of her restoration. It was the power of Jesus that healed her; but that power would not have been exerted but in connection with faith.  So, in the salvation of a sinner. No one is saved who does not believe; but faith is the instrument, and not the power, that saves.

And when Jesus came into the ruler’s house, and saw the minstrels and the people making a noise,” Matt9:23, Mark 5:38; Luke 8:51.

As Our Saviour came to the ruler’s house, He finds the people very busy preparing for the interment of the dead corpse with music and other solemnities.      and saw the minstrels and the people making a noise,” Minstrels; the persons hired to play on instruments of music at funerals. Making a noise; the noise of wailing, as was the custom. Weeping and lamentation are the most proper funeral music than instruments, for among all those nations funeral lamentations accompanied with such rude instruments, were made at the death of relatives.  That pipes were in use among the Jews, in times of calamity or death, is evident from Jere 48:36.  And among the Greeks, and Romans, as well as among the Jews, persons were hired on purpose to follow the funeral processions with lamentations.  Jere 9:17-21; Amos 5:16. Even the poorest among the Jews were required to have two pipers, and one mourning woman.

“He said unto them, Give place: for the maid is not dead, but sleepeth. And they laughed him to scorn.” Matt9:24, Acts 20:10.

Give place; retire, your services are not wanted.

The maid is not dead, but sleepeth. That is, she is not dead to continue under the power of death; but shall be raised from it as a, person is from natural sleep. Jesus our Saviour affirms, that the damsel was not dead. She is dead to you, but asleep to me: I can easily raise her from death, as you can awake her out of sleep.  Her soul was separated from her body, but not yet fixed in its eternal mansion. Souls departed are under the conduct of angels, good or bad, to their several places of bliss or misery.  Probably the soul of this damsel was under the guard of angels near her dead body, waiting for the pleasure of Christ, either to restore it again to the body, or to translate it to its eternal mansion.

They laughed him to scorn.  they ridiculed him; and laughed expressing how they felt for his person and knowledge.  People of the world generally ridicule those truths which they neither comprehend nor love, and deride those who preach them; but a faithful minister of God, following the example of Christ, keeps on his way, and does the work of his Lord and Master.

But when the people were put forth, he went in, and took her by the hand, and the maid arose.” Matt9:25

He went in. With the father and mother, and three disciples, Mark 5:37-40.

Jesus admitted only three of his disciples, Peter, James, and John the brother of James, and the father and mother of the damsel, to go in with him where the corpse lay. It was important that there should be witnesses of the miracle, and He chose a sufficient number. Five witnesses were enough to establish the fact. Five sober witnesses are always better than the confused voices of noise makers. These were the same disciples that were with Him in the mount of transfiguration and garden of Gethsemane, Mark 9:2; Mark14:33; 2Peter 1:17-18.

He-took her by the hand, by taking her by the hand, the fountain of life was communicating heavenly energy to the dead body.  Where death has already taken place, no power but that of the great God can restore to life; in such a case, vain is the help of man.  So, the soul that is dead in trespasses and sins-that is, sentenced to death because of transgression-and therefore dead in law, can only be restored to spiritual life by the mighty power of the Lord Jesus; because HE alone has made the atonement, and HE alone can pardon transgression.  If the spiritually dead person be utterly unconcerned about the state and fate of his soul, let a converted relative either bring him to Christ by leading him to hear the unadulterated Gospel of the kingdom; or bring Christ to him by fervent, faithful, and persevering prayer.

The maid arose-Christ raised three dead persons to life; this child, Matt9:25. The widow’s son, Luke7:14, and Lazarus John11:43. one newly departed, another on the bier, the third smelling in the grave: to show us that no degree of death is so desperate as to be too late for His help.

“And the fame hereof went abroad into all that land” Matt9:26.

In the work of the kingdom Jesus Himself scarcely appears, but the work done by his sovereign power is fully manifested; to teach us that it is the responsibility of a successful preacher of the Gospel to conceal himself as much as possible, that God alone may have the glory of His own grace.  This is a proper miracle, and a full exemplification of the unlimited power of Christ.

LESSONS: To be successful in our applications to God by prayer, four things are required; and this ruler teaches us what they are.

  1. A man should place himself in the presence of God-he came unto him.
  2. He should humble himself sincerely before God-he fell down before him-at his feet.  Mark 5:22.
  3. He should lay open his want’s wit
  4. h a holy earnestness-he besought him greatly. Mark 5:23.
  5. he should have unbounded confidence in the power and goodness of Christ that his request shall be granted-put thy hand upon her, and she shall live. Anyone who comes in this way to God, for salvation, is sure to be heard.   

CONCLUSION: The synagogue leader did not come to Jesus until his daughter was dead. It was too late for anyone else to help. But Jesus simply went to the girl and raised her. In our lives, Christ can make a difference when it seems too late for any one else to help. He can bring healing to broken relationships, release from addicting habits and forgiveness and healing to emotional scars. If your situation looks hopeless, remember that Christ can do the impossible. Ask the Lord now: Lord, help me to experience your power that works miracle in my life in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT9:27-34

“And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, and saying, Thou Son of David, have mercy on us.” Matt 15:22; Mark 10:47-48; Luke 18:38-39

And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him. Meaning they were blind but they could hear.  Matt 20:30-31. Their blindness did not stop them from following Jesus, rather they used what they had to follow Jesus in other to get what they did not have. They believed that Jesus will restore their sight. Their importunity in this request; they followed him, crying. It seems, He did not take notice of them at first, may be to try their faith, which He knew to be strong; and would quicken their prayers, and make His Healing the more valued. when our answers do not always come at the first word, it only teaches  us to continue instant in prayer, always to pray, and not to faint: and, though the answer do not come presently, yet to wait for it, and to follow providence, even in those steps and outgoings of it which seem to neglect or contradict our prayers.Luke18:1, Hab2:3.

crying, and saying, Thou son of David, The title which these blind men gave to Christ; Thou Son of David, was the promise made to David, that of his loins the Messiah should come, At this time there was a general expectation of his appearing; these blind men know  and it was proclaimed in the streets of Capernaum, that He is come,  Though, they could not see Him and His miracles, but faith comes by hearing.Rom10:17.They did not see the miracles that Jesus did ,but they obviously heard about the testimonies  of His  power.  They were deprived of physical sight, yet, by the grace of God, the eyes of their understanding were so enlightened, as to discern those great things of God, which are hid from the wise and prudent. Eph1:17-18. In other words, they were physically blind, but they were not spiritually blind. Their physical blindness did not stand in the way of their spiritual understanding.

 have mercy on us—This was their petition, Have mercy on us. It was foretold that the Son of David should be merciful. Ps 72:12-13, and in Him shines the tender mercy of our God, Luke 1:78. Understand that whatever our necessities and burdens are, all we need for supply and support, is a share in the mercy of our Lord Jesus. Whether He heals us or not, if He have mercy on us, we have enough reason to refer ourselves safely and wisely to the wisdom of Christ. They did not each of them say for himself, have mercy on me, but both for one another, Have mercy on us. It becomes wise for those that are under the same affliction, to concur in the same prayers for relief. Fellow-sufferers should be joint-petitioners. In Christ there is enough for all. Matt18:19.

“And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea, Lord.” Matt9:28.

 And when he was come into the house. -To try their faith and patience, Jesus seems not have given them any answer, but the blind men persistently followed Jesus until he stopped. which, no doubt, was what He desired.

and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this?  Our Lord’s design was not only to put their faith to test by this question, but to deepen it, to raise their expectation of a healing, and so prepare them to receive it, Christ by that question drew out the confession of their faith. Faith is the great condition of Christ’s favours. They, who would receive the mercy of Christ, must firmly believe the power of Christ. What we would have Him do for us, we must be fully assured that He is able to do. Heb11:6, Rom4:21. They followed Christ, and followed Him crying, but the great question is, Do ye believe? Nature may work fervency, but it is only grace that can work faith; spiritual blessings are obtained only by faith. They had expressed their faith in Christ as Son of David, and in His mercy; but Christ also wants them to profess their faith in His power. Believe ye that I am able to do this? That is, His ability to bestow this favour; to give sight to the blind, as well as to heal the palsy and raise the dead. Jesus demands three dimensions of faith.

  1. Faith in Christ as the son of David-His office
  2. Faith in His Mercy-
  3. Faith in His Power– Personality.

Christ wants the glory of his power ascribed to him, by all those who hope to have the benefit of it. It is good to be specific in the exercise of faith, to apply the general assurances of God’s power and good will, and the general promises, to our peculiar situation. All shall work for good, and if all, then we must Believe that He is able, not only to prevail with God for it, as a prophet, but that He is able to do it by His own power. This will amount to their belief of his being not only the Son of David, but the Son of God; for it is God’s prerogative to open the eyes of the blind. Ps 146:8. He makes the seeing eye, Ex 4:11. Job was eyes to the blind. Job 29:15, but he could not give eyes to the blind. Do we Still Believe that Christ is able to do for us, by the power of his merit and intercession in heaven, of his Spirit and grace in the heart, and of his providence and dominion in the world? To believe the power of Christ is not only to assure ourselves of it, but to commit ourselves to it, and encourage ourselves in it.

They said unto him, Yea, Lord. They gave an immediate answer, without hesitation: they said, Yea, Lord. They were confident of his ability. The treasures of mercy that are laid up in the power of Christ, are laid out and wrought for those that trust in him. Ps 31:19.

“Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you.” Matt9:29.

Then touched he their eyes, The healing that Christ wrought on them; He touched their eyes. This He did to encourage their faith, He put the healing upon their faith, according to your faith be it unto you. When they begged for healing, He enquired into their faith Matt 9:28, Believe ye that I am able? He did not enquire into their wealth, whether they were able to pay Him for healing; nor into their reputation, should He get credit by healing them; but into their faith; and now they had professed their faith, He referred the matter to since I now know that you believe, the power you believe in shall be exerted for you; According to your faith be it unto you. This speaks volume. His knowledge of the sincerity of their faith, and His acceptance and approbation of it. It is a great comfort to true believers, that Jesus Christ knows their faith, and is well pleased with it. Though it be weak, though others do not discern it, though they themselves are ready to question it, it is known to Him.

According to your faith be it unto you.” If you believe, take what you come for. Faith is the hand which takes what God offers, the spiritual organ of appropriation. Matt8:13. Those who come to Jesus Christ, shall be dealt with according to their faith; not according to their fancies, nor according to their profession, but according to their faith; that is, unbelievers cannot expect to find any favour with God, but true believers may be sure to find all that favour which is offered in the gospel.

“And their eyes were opened; and Jesus straitly charged them, saying, See that no man know it.” Matt9:30, Matt 8:4; Matt12:16; Matt17:9; Luke 5:14 He gave them this charge,

(1.) To set us an example that humility and lowliness of mind, which He would have us to learn of him. Matt11:29. In the good we do, we must not seek our own praise, but only the glory of God. It must be more our care and endeavour to be useful, than to be known and observed to be so, Pro 20:6; Pro 25:27, Matt6:3.

(2.)   The silencing of those who should proclaim the works of Christ is a judgment to any place or people: and it is just in Christ to deny the means of conviction to those that are obstinate in their infidelity; and to shroud the light from those that shut their eyes against it.( Some think that Christ, in keeping it private, showed his displeasure against the people of Capernaum, who had seen so many miracles, and yet believed not.)

(3.) He did it in discretion, for His own preservation; because the more He was proclaimed, the more jealous would the rulers of the Jews be of his growing interest among the people.

(4.) another reason, why Christ sometimes concealed his miracles, and afterwards forbid the publishing of it is because He would not indulge that wicked conceit which obtained among the Jews, that their Messiah should be a temporal prince, and so give occasion to the people to attempt the setting up of His kingdom, by violence and seditions, as they offered to do. John 6:15

“But they, when they were departed, spread abroad his fame in all that country.” Matt9:31, Mark 7:36. Honour is like the shadow,it flees from those that follow it, but  it follows those that flee from it .

They spread abroad his fame. This was more an act of zeal, than of prudence. Understand that honour pursues those who flee from it and though it may be excused as honestly meant for the honour of Christ, yet it cannot be justified, being done against a particular charge. Whenever we profess to direct our intention to the glory of God, we must see to it that the action be according to the will of God. 1Sam15:22.

“As they went out, behold, they brought to him a dumb man possessed with a devil.” Matt9:32, Matt 12:22; Luke 11:14. This man’s dumbness was caused by the devil’s possession. He was under the power of the devil in this instance, that he was disabled from speaking. See the calamitous state of this world, and how different the afflictions of the afflicted are! no sooner has He dismissed two blind men, but again meet with a dumb man. How thankful should we be to God for our sight and speech! See the malice of Satan against mankind, and in how many ways he shows it.    When the devil gets possession of a soul, it is made silent as to anything that is good; dumb in prayers and praises, which the devil is a sworn enemy to.   They brought him in just as the blind man went out. See how unwearied Christ was in doing good; how closely one good work followed another! Treasures of mercy, wondrous mercy, are hid in Him; which may be continually communicated, but can never be exhausted.

“And when the devil was cast out, the dumb spake: and the multitudes marvelled, saying, It was never so seen in Israel.” Matt9:33. The healing was sudden. Christs heals from the root, and remove the effect by taking away the cause; they open the lips, by breaking Satan’s power in the soul.

 multitudes marvelled, saying, It was never so seen in Israel. The consequences of this healing.  The multitudes marvelled; though few believed, many wondered. It was never so seen in Israel. Filled with wonder at the healing, the multitude declared that no prophet had ever done such wonders. They were right. The admiration of the common people is sooner raised than any other affection. It was foretold, that the new song, the New Testament song, should be sung for marvellous works, Ps 98:1. They said, It was never so seen in Israel, and therefore never so seen anywhere; for no people experienced such wonders of mercy as Israel did.

“But the Pharisees said, He casteth out devils through the prince of the devils.” Matt.9:34, Matt 12:24; Makr 3:22; Luke 11:15. The Pharisees blasphemed, when they could not gainsay the convincing evidence of these miracles, they fathered them upon the devil, as if they had been wrought by compact and collusion:

the Pharisees charge Christ with making a contract with the devil, affirming that he derived his power from him; that Satan should lend our Saviour a power against himself, and for the destruction of his own kingdom? LIES from the pit of hell.

CONCLUSION: Christ wants the glory of his power ascribed to him, by all those who hope to have the benefit of it. It is good to be specific in the exercise of faith, to apply the general assurances of God’s power and good will, and the general promises, to our peculiar situation Ask the Lord now: Lord, help me to always apply the three-dimensional faith in you so I can always receive what I ask in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT9:53-38

Compassion is sharing the suffering of another by deep awareness of the suffering, coupled with the wish to provide comfort.

“And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.” Matt9:35. Matt 4:23; Mark 6:6; Luke 13:22. Jesus visited not only the great and wealthy cities, but the poor, obscure villages; and there He preached, there He healed. The souls of the smallest person in the world are as precious to Christ, as the souls of the greatest in the world. and should be so to us too. The rich and the poor meet together in Him.1Sam2:7, Job34:19, Ps49:2-3, Pro22:2.

“But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no sheperd.” Matt9:36, Ezek 34:5; Mark 6:34 Jesus looked at the crowds following Him and referred to them as a field ripe for harvest. The Lord scarcely looked upon a crowd of the poor, lost, human beings without being moved with tender compassion. The sight of distressed and suffering people produces considerable pain and feeling of compassion for them. He was concerned to see them ignorant and careless, and ready to perish for lack of vision. It was a compassion to souls that brought him from heaven to earth, and there to the cross. Misery is the object of mercy; and the miseries of sinful, self- destroying souls, are the greatest miseries: Christ pities those most that pity themselves least; so, should we as Christians. The most Christian compassion is compassion to souls; it is most Christ-like.

See what moved this Compassion

(1.) They fainted; they were impoverished and wearied. They strayed, and some   were separated from one another; The staff of bands was broken, Zech 11:14-17. They wanted help for their souls, and had none at hand that was good and ready to help. The scribes and Pharisees and teachers filled them with vain ideas and with traditions leading them into many mistakes, not instructing them in their duty, or making them understand the spiritual nature of the divine law; therefore, they fainted because there can be no spiritual health, life, and vigour in such souls, that are fed with traditions and vanities, instead of the bread of 0life? Rom10:14-15.  Precious souls faint because they are not nourished up with the word of truth., and so cannot resist temptations or even bear afflictions.

(2.) They were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.  They lacked   faithful guides to go before them in the things of God.1Kings22:17, Num27:17. No creature is more likely to go astray than a sheep, and when it goes astray, it becomes more helpless, exposed and more unlikely to find the way back home.  sinful souls are as lost sheep; they need the care of shepherds to bring them back. The teachers, the Jews  had pretended to be shepherds, yet Christ says they had no shepherds, for they were worse than none; idle shepherds that led them away, instead of leading them back, they fleeced the flock, instead of feeding it., Jere 23:1, Ezek 34:2-5,Zech10:2. The case of those people is very pitiable, who either have no ministers at all, or those that seek their own things, not the things of Christ and souls. To this day vast multitudes are as sheep not having a shepherd, and we should have compassion and do all we can to help them.

“Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;” Matt9:37, Luke10:2; John 4:35. The multitudes desirous of spiritual instruction makes a plenteous harvest. Multitudes without shepherds forms plenteous harvest that needs many active labourers.  The People desired good preaching, but there were few good preachers. There is a great deal of work to be done, but there are wanted hands to do it. It was an encouragement, that the harvest was so plenteous. But it was a pity that the labourers are  so few.  It is unhealthy with the church, when good work stands still, or goes slowly on, for want of good workmen; when it is so, the available labourers need to be very busy. Matt 28:19; Acts18:10, Ps 68:11; 1Cor 3:9; 2Co 6:1

“Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” Matt9:38,2Thess 3:1. The Lord of the harvest is Christ. my Father is the Husbandman, John 15:1. It is the vineyard of the Lord of hosts, Isaiah 5:7. It is for Him and to Him, and to His service and honour, that the harvest is gathered in. We are God’s husbandry 1Cor 3:9. His threshing, and the corn of His floor, Isaiah 21:10. He orders everything concerning the harvest as He pleases; when and where the labourers shall work, and how long; and it is in the interest of those who wants to do well in the harvest-work, that God Himself presides in it, for He will be sure to order all for the best.  When things look discouraging, we should pray more, than complain. we should focus our prayers to the present circumstances of the church; understanding the times, as to know, not only what we ought to do, but what we ought to pray for. When we pray the Lord for anything we must work to fulfil our own prayers. If we pray for labourers, we must be willing to become labourers ourselves, or to send and sustain other labourers. 1Cor 3:9.  


  1. The harvest is plenteous, but the labourers are few. Matt9:37.
  2. To send labourers into the harvest. Matt9:38. We see the duty of praying for the conversion of the world. The harvest is as plenteous as it was in the time of Christ. More than six hundred million are still without the gospel; and there are not yet many labourers to go into the harvest. Without ceasing, we ought to entreat God to pity the nations, and to send faithful men, who shall tell them of a dying Saviour.


  1. All that love Christ and souls, should show it by their earnest prayers to God, especially when the harvest is plenteous.


  1. Pray that God would send you forth. Here am I, send me, Isaiah 6:8. Commissions that are given in answer to prayer, are most likely to be successful; Paul is a chosen vessel, for behold he prays, Acts 9:11&15
  2. Pray that God would send others. Jesus before He sent out his apostles, He himself spent a great deal of time in prayer.  Luke 6:12-13


  1. We are to pray that many may be raised up and sent forth, who will labour in bringing souls to Christ.
  2. Pray that God would send more skilful, faithful, wise, and industrious labourers into his harvest.
  3. Pray that God would raise up such that will become His own in the conversion of sinners and the edification of saints.
  4. Pray that God would give them a spirit for the work, call them to it, and succeed them in it; that he would give them wisdom to win souls.
  5. We should pray that all contradiction from within and from without, may be conquered and got over especially for those who are unwilling to go forth, because of their own weakness and the opposition from men, that endeavour to frustrate them out of the harvest.


  1. Many are not qualified. Matt22:14. The world is full of wickedness, and God only can qualify those who shall go and preach the gospel to the dark nations of the earth. Jesus needs workers who know how to deal with people’s problems.2Cor1:3-7.


  1. The disciples, followers of Christ, Believers, Ministers are  labourers in God’s harvest.1Cor3:9. Ministry  is harvest- work, which is a needful work; work that requires everything to be done in its season, and diligence to do it thoroughly; The joy of the preachers of the gospel is likened to the joy of harvest Isaiah 9:2-3 and he that reapeth  receiveth wages; the hire of the labourers that reap down God’s field, shall not be kept back. James 5:4.  


  1. God is the Lord of the harvest
  2. God’s church is an harvest-field.
  3. The ministers of God are labourers in the Lord’s harvest.
  4. It is God’s work to send forth labourers; Christ makes ministers Eph 4:11
  5. God alone has the authority to send forth labourers into His harvest; and none must thrust themselves in, till God sends them forth.
  6. That the number of faithful labourers in God’s harvest is comparatively small and few.
  7. That it is the church’s duty to pray, and that earnestly and incessantly, to the Lord of the harvest to increase the number of faithful labourers, and also to increase their faithfulness.

CONCLUSION: There is a great number of people that are willing and prepared to receive instructions, but there are but few who are able to instruct these poor people in the ways of righteousness and truth; therefore, pray and plead with God, that He world provide skilful and faithful ministers to be sent out to preach the gospel throughout the world.  Ask the Lord now: Lord send me and use me, I am available, raise faithful labourers into the harvest in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT10:1-4


“And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.” Matt10:1.

Makr 3:13-14; mark6:7; Luke 6:13; Luke9:1

He called unto him his twelve disciples.  Mark 3:13-19; Luke 9:1-6. The twelve had already been called, and had been with the Lord for some time. They were now commissioned and sent forth as apostles.

The word “Apostle” signifies messenger; they were Christ’s messengers, sent forth to proclaim his kingdom. In the close of Matt9 He told them to pray that God would send forth labourers, and here we have an immediate answer to that prayer: while they are yet speaking, he hears and performs. Isaiah65:24. What we pray for, according to Christ’s direction, shall be given. John14:14.

Jesus called His twelve disciples, He did not force them, or ask them to volunteer. He chose them to serve Him in a special way. To day when Christ calls us, He does not twist our arms and make us do something we don’t want to do. We can choose to join Him or remain behind. When Christ calls you to follow Him, how do you respond.? Matt4:19-20, Mark3:13.

He called them to him, Matt 10:1. He had called them to come after him before; Matt4:19. now He calls them to come unto him, that is bringing them to a greater familiarity, and no more a distant relationship. They that humble themselves shall thus be exalted. James4:10. We are called to draw near to Christ, which is an honour remembering that Christ will be sanctified in those that come nigh unto him. 1Cor1:1-2. when the disciples were to be taught and instructed, they came unto Him of their own accord, Matt 5:1.  But now they were to be ordained, He called them to Himself.Matt10: 1.  This means that the disciples of Christ were more eager to learn than to teach. In our own ignorance, we must seek opportunities to learn and be taught; and in the same sense we must wait for a call, a clear call before we take upon ourselves to teach others; for no man ought to take this honour to himself. Heb5:4.

  1. He gave them power, exousian, authority in his name, to command men to obedience. Phil2:10, and for the confirmation of that authority, to command devils too into a subjection. Luke 10:19. All rightful authority is derived from Jesus Christ. All power is given to him without limitation. Matt28:18. The subordinate or delegated powers that be are ordained of Him. Some of his honour He put on his ministers, as Moses put some of his on Joshua. Num11:17. The undeniable proof of the fulness of power which Christ used as Mediator, is that He could impart His power to those He employed, and enable them to work the same miracles that He wrought in his name. John14:12. He gave them power over unclean spirits, and over all manner of sickness. Therefore, the design of the gospel is to conquer the devil and to cure the world, as a result  it is important that those to advance this cause should have some extraordinary power to advance them above the scribes. Acts1:8.

He gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out. The power that is committed to the ministers of Christ, is directly levelled against the devil and his kingdom. The devil, as an unclean spirit, is working both in doctrinal errors Rev 16:13-15., and in practical debauchery 2Pe 2:9-10; and in both, ministers have a charge against him. Christ gave them power to cast him out of the bodies of people; but that was to signify the destruction of his spiritual kingdom, and all the works of the devil; for which purpose the Son of God was manifested.1John3:8.

He gave them power to heal all manner of sickness. He authorized them to work miracles for the confirmation of their calling, to prove that it was of God.1Cor12:7-13, and they were to work useful miracles for the demonstration of it.1Cor2:4,1Cor4:20. To prove that it is not only faithful, but well worthy of all acceptation. Acts4:16, that the design of the gospel is to heal and save. The miracles Christ wrought, and appointed His apostles to work, were all for edification, Eph4:11-12.  Their power is to all manner of sickness, and all manner of disease, without the exception of even those that are regarded incurable by physicians.  In the grace of the gospel there is a balm for every sore, a remedy for every malady. Jere8:22. There is no spiritual disease so malignant, so chronic, there is a sufficiency of power in Christ, for the cure of it. Let none therefore say there is no hope, or that the breach is wide as the sea, that cannot be healed. Jere32:26-27.

“the names of the twelve apostles are these; The first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother; Philip, and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the publican; James the son of Alphaeus, and Lebbaeus, whose surname was Thaddaeus; Simon the Canaanite, and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him”. Matt10:2-4 John 1:42, Luke 6:15; John 13:26; Acts 1:13

The number and names of the disciples that were commissioned; and made apostles, that is, messengers were twelve. Angels and Apostles, both signify the same thing–one sent on an errand, an ambassador. Heb1:13-14. All faithful ministers are sent of Christ, but they that were first, and immediately, sent by him, are eminently called Apostles, the prime ministers of state in His kingdom. Yet this was but the infancy of their office; it was when Christ ascended on high that he gave some Apostles, Eph 4:11. Christ himself is called an Apostle Heb3:1, for He was sent by the Father, and so sent them, John 20:21. The prophets were also called God’s messengers.

Their number was twelve, referring to the number of the tribes of Israel, and the sons of Jacob that were the patriarchs of those tribes. Gen49:28.   These twelve, by their doctrine, were to judge the twelve tribes of Israel, Luke 22:30. These were the twelve stars that made up the church’s crown Rev 12:1: the twelve foundations of the new Jerusalem Rev 21:12,14, represents the twelve precious stones in Aaron’s breast-plate, the twelve loaves on the table of show- bread, Num4:7, the twelve wells of water at Elim. Ex15:27.

Their names are on record, and it is their honour and more reason to rejoice, that their names were written in heaven Luke 10:20, while the high and mighty names of the great ones of the earth are buried in the dust. However, there are some of these twelve apostles, of whom we know no more, from the scripture, than their names; such as Bartholomew, and Simon the Canaanite; and yet they were faithful servants to Christ and His church. Not all the good ministers of Christ are alike famous, nor their actions alike celebrated, but they are faithful servants and their names written in the book of life.

Christ knew that Judas is a traitor, yet Christ took him among the apostles, that it might not be a surprise and discouragement to his church, if, at any time, the vilest scandals should break out in the best societies. Such spots there have been in our feasts of charity; tares among the wheat, Matt13:25, wolves among the sheep; Matt10:16, but there is a day of discovery and separation coming, where hypocrites shall be unmasked and discarded.

CONCLUSION: And He gave them power to do the same kind of works of mercy which Jesus had done, and thus to carry out His mission. Works of mercy and love are inseparable from the true preaching of the gospel. Ask the Lord now: Lord help me to come to you and empower me for your divine assignment for my life in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT 10:5-8

Jesus begins with instructions for a short-term trip, where the Apostles will visit the towns and cities of Galilee preaching the message of the kingdom. while also healing and casting out demons in His name.

These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:” Matt10:5

The apostles are not to enter into Gentile regions or Samaritan towns but to focus, instead, only on preaching to Israelites.

Why didn’t Jesus send the Apostles to the Gentiles or the Samaritans?

Jesus asked His disciples to go only to the Jews, because He came first to the Jews.Rom1:16.  God chose them to tell the rest of the world about Him. Matt 15:24.

A Gentile is anyone who is not a Jew. The inhabitants of the city of Samaria are termed Samaritans. This people were formerly composed of a few of the ten tribes, and a mixture of foreigners. When the ten tribes were carried away into captivity to Babylon, the king of Assyria sent people from Cuthah, Ava, Hamath, and Sepharvaim, to inhabit their country, 2Kings17:24, Matt 4:15, John 4:9&20. These were altogether heathens at first; but they afterwards incorporated into the worship of the true God with that of their idols.

“But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Matt10:6. That is, to the Jews. He regarded them as wandering and lost, like sheep straying without a shepherd. Matt9:36. They had been the chosen people of God; they had long looked for the Messiah; and it was proper that the gospel should be first offered to them. Christ calls the Israelites sheep, because they were Gods chosen people though they were not obedient to the voice of their Shepherd. Jesus Christ calling them lost sheep, shows that the condition of a people, before coming to Christ is a lost condition. sinners are as a lost sheep, wandering and going astray from God, till the ministry of the word finds them. Isaiah 53:6. He calls them the lost sheep, because they were both lost in themselves, and also in great danger of being eventually and finally lost, by the ignorance and wickedness of their spiritual guides. Jere 50:6,17; Ezek 34:5-6,16. That the great work and office of the ministers of the gospel is to call home, and to bring in, lost sheep unto Jesus Christ the great Shepherd.  Go, says He, to the lost sheep. Matt10:6, Matt28:19.

And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Matt10:7, Luke9:2. The duty of the Apostles is that they bring home the lost souls to Christ by preaching; As ye go, preach. Matt11:1. So, the plain and persuasive preaching of the gospel, is the special means appointed by Christ for the salvation of lost sinners. We are Anointed to preach. Isaiah61:1. The lost or your loved ones can only hear the good news of the kingdom when someone tells them. Rom10:14-15. Acts4:2. Luke 9:60.

Their message will be that the kingdom of heaven is near. The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Luke9:2. They are to encourage the people to repent and prepare themselves for its arrival. Matt 3:2; Matt4:17, Mark 6:12. So repentance would be the way to prepare for the kingdom and preaching that the kingdom of heaven is at hand is, that the promised Messiah was come, and had set up his kingdom in the world, and they are expected to be obedient to His laws. Luke16:16. The Jews were waiting for the Messiah to establish His Kingdom. Acts1:6. But Jesus was talking about a spiritual kingdom. The good news today is that the kingdom is still near. Jesus the Messiah has already begun His kingdom on earth in the hearts of His followers. One day His kingdom will be fully realised. Then evil will be destroyed and all people will live in peace with one another. Luke11:20. Luke19:11.

It is important to note the similarity between the preaching of John.Matt3:2, of Christ.Matt4:17 and His Apostles. Mark 6:12. repent, say they all, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand; that is, the time of the Messiah’s appearing, which has been so long expected, is now come.

“Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.” Matt10:8

In other words, to demonstrate that their message is true, they will access Jesus’ power to heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons—all miracles Jesus Himself had performed. Matt9:35, Matt10:1, Luke10:9&19. Here our Saviour empowers his apostles to work miracles for the confirmation of their assignment; but gives them a charge to work them freely, without making any private advantage to themselves. freely give Acts 8:18,20. Jesus Christ showed Himself a free Saviour, and that whatever came from Him was the effect of free grace, and so He gave            His Apostles a charge to dispense their power in working miracles freely, without money, and without price. 2Kings 5:15&16&20-27; Acts 3:6; Acts8:18-23; Acts20:33-35

How beneficial were the miracles of Jesus Christ and His Apostles to mankind compared with the miracles of Moses? Though they were all beneficial,

Moses’ miracles were full of great judgments and wonders; but Jesus Christ and His Apostles delivered men from miseries, from bodily diseases, from the power and malice of evil spirits; they healed the sick, and cast out devils and raised the dead.

CONCLUSION: Jesus gave His disciples a principle to guide their actions as they ministered to others. Give as freely as you have received, because God has showered us with His blessings. We should give generously to others of our time, love, and possessions. Ask the Lord now: Lord help me to use my gift to freely impact the world around me in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT 10:9-15

The ministers of the word or those who preach the word of God must cast away all cares that might hinder them, even the least of them and focus on the service of God.

“Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses,Matt10:9. Mark 6:8; Luke 9:3; Luke10:4; Luke22:35.

 provide not– in other words, do not stay a moment to provide anything more, neither take any thought about it, use what you have. Our Saviour encourages them not to provide money but to depend on God. Do not take anything, more than was strictly necessary, so that it does not delay you and this will help you to learn how to trust God in the future. Go just as you are and trust God for provision, do not waste time in making preparation for the journey.

“Nor scrip for your journey, neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves: for the workman is worthy of his meat” Matt10:10, Luke 10:7;  1Cor 9:7; 1Tim 5:18.

Scrip is a bag for provisions. They were in their first journey among the Jews. Our Saviour also, encourages them not to provide unnecessary clothes and shoes, but to trust in Christ to supply them. if a man had shoes or sandals, he might wear them. Mark 6:8-9.  But they were to go without delay, God will provide you with food.

Our Saviour further, encourages them to trust God for protection by taking no staves with them, that is, no striking or smiting staves for your own defence. God is your defence and protector. Ps18:1-2, Ps144:1-2. Preachers must be no strikers, if a man had a staff, he might take it. Mark6:8 because itinerant preachers might be wearied with travelling, as well as with speaking.

Our Saviour furthermore, encourages them to trust God for provision. He would not want us to solicit for those things, because the workman is worthy of his meat. it is a minister’s great duty to trust God for his maintenance.1Thess5:24. so, it is the people’s duty to care for the minister’s needs 2Cor11:9, Phil4:15-17, Luke8:1-3, Acts16:15. The labourer is worthy of his hire, and the workman is worthy of his meat, he deserves to be supported. So also, with you. This is a rule that holds good for all time. 1Tim5:17-18,1Cor9:7-14.

“And into whatsoever city or town ye shall enter, enquire who in it is worthy; and there abide till ye go thence.” Matt10:11, Luke 10:8.

Into whatsoever city or town ye shall enter, in the commencement of Christianity, Christ and His preachers were all itinerant, habitually travelling from place to place. Our Saviour proceeds to direct his disciples how to manage this their first journey in preaching the gospel. He charges them to observe the rules of decency 1Cor14:40, in their going from one place to another; not like beggars wandering from house to house, but having entered a city, or village, to make enquiry who stands best to positively affect the gospel, and go in there.

Inquire who in it is worthy, that is, of a good character; for a preacher of the Gospel should be careful of his reputation, and lodge only with those who are of a regular life. 2Cor6:14.

There abide till ye go thence. Go not about from house to house, Luke 10:7.  Acting contrary to this precept has often brought a great disgrace on the Gospel of God.  Stay in your own lodging as much as possible, that you may have time for prayer and study.  Avoid frequent contact with the tables of the rich and great; if you do, it will become a snare to you.  The unction of God will perish from your mind, and your preaching be only a dry barren repetition of old things; the bread of God in your hands will be like the dry, mouldy, mentioned Jos 9:5.  He who knows the value of time, and will redeem it from useless chit-chat, and trifling visits, will find enough for all the purposes of his own salvation, the cultivation of his mind, and the work of the ministry.  He to whom time is not precious, and who lives not by rule, never finds time sufficient for anything, is always embarrassed, always in a hurry, and never capable of bringing one good purpose to proper effect.

“And when ye come into an house, salute it.” Matt10:12

When ye come into a house, salute it; give it a civil salutation, but especially a Christian and spiritual salute, wishing them mercy, grace, and peace Luke 10:5-6.

They were to use all the customary forms of politeness. Courteously salute the household. Courtesy in ministers of the gospel and the manifestation of good-will to all, are required of all Christians by Christ. Acts 10:36; 2Cor 5:20; 3John 1:14.

“And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you.” Matt10:13, Luke 10:5.

If that house be worthy. in other words, if that family be proper for a preacher to lodge in, and the master of the house be ready to embrace the message of salvation.

Your peace, that is, the blessings you have prayed for shall come upon the family, God will prosper them in their bodies, souls, and substance. But if it be not worthy, let your peace, the blessings prayed for, return to you. Ps 35:13. it shall turn back upon yourselves.  They shall get nothing, and you shall have an increase. The trials, disappointments, insults, and wants of the followers of Christ are in the hand of God useful to their best interests. Rom8:28. Hence, nothing can happen to Christians without their deriving profit from it, unless it be their own fault.

“And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.” Matt10:14, Luke 10:10-11; Acts 13:51; Acts18:6.

 shake off the dust of your feet–“for a testimony against them,Mark 6:11; Luke 9:5. By this action they vividly shook themselves from all connection with such people, and from all responsibility for the guilt of rejecting them and their message. It also signifies that Almighty God would in like manner shake them off and regard them no better than the vilest dust. Neh5:13. In India, it is customary for a way-faring man, when night draws on, to enter a house, and simply say, “Sir, I am a guest with you this night.”  If the owner cannot lodge him, he makes an apology, and the traveller proceeds to another house.

“Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.” Matt10:15, Matt 11:22&24.

Christ said that the punishment of Sodom and Gomorrha Gen 19:24&25 will be more tolerable, that is, easier to bear than that of the people who reject His gospel. The sin of those who reject the gospel is a wilful sin, which was in their power to avoid and it makes them suffer   greater punishment at the day of judgment than Sodom and Gomorrha. The reason is, that Sodom and Gomorrha were not favoured with so much light and instruction. Matt 11:23-24; Luke 12:47&48. Sodom and Gomorrah are often referred to as signal instances of Divine vengeance, and as sure proofs that the wicked shall not go unpunished. 2Peter 2:6; Jude 1:7. Those who despise the message which the ministers of the gospel bring, shall hereafter find the dust of their feet, and the ashes of their graves, as a judicial testimony against them in the day of Christ.  Wherever the word is preached, it is for a testimony against them; for if the dust of a minister’s feet bear witness against the despisers of the gospel, much more is their sermons, because they committed against greater light, and greater confirmation of the truth, doubtless the higher a people rise under the means of grace, the lower they fall if they transgress.

CONCLUSION: Jesus said that those who minister must be cared for. The disciples should trust God for their needs as they serve and minister to others. Make sure you take care of those who minister to you. Those who reject the good news when they hear it will be worse off than the wicked people of those destroyed cities, who never heard the good news at all. Ask the Lord now: Lord help me to trust you and obey your word in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT 10:16-26

He who is called to preach the Gospel is called to embrace a state of constant labour, and frequent suffering., wicked men and demons would both oppose him.

“Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves”. Matt10:16, Luke 10:3; 1Cor 14:20

As sheep in the midst of wolves. That is, I send you, in offensive and harmless, into a cold, unfriendly, and cruel world. Your innocence will not be a protection.

 Be wise as serpents. Rom 16:19; Eph 5:15 Serpents have always been an emblem of wisdom and cunning, Gen 3:1. The Egyptians used the serpent as a symbol of wisdom. Christ directed His followers to imitate the serpent in its carefulness in avoiding danger. No animal equals them in the skill of escaping danger. So, Christ said to his disciples, you need caution and wisdom, in the midst of a world that will seek your lives.

and harmless as doves PhIl 2:15. He directs them also to be harmless, not to provoke danger, not to do injury, that will make their fellow-men to be justly enraged against them. Doves are a striking emblem of innocence.  In other words You shall be towards me as upright as the doves; but, towards the Gentiles, as cunning as serpents.”

But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues;” Matt10:17 Lu 12:11; 21:12; Ac 5:40

Here our Saviour lets his apostles know that for their following him, and preaching His gospel, they shall be brought before all sorts of magistrates, and in all kinds of courts: but He advises them, when they are brought before kings and princes, not to be anxiously thoughtful what they should say; for it should be given them in that hour what they should answer.

But beware of men. That is, be on your guard against men who are like wolves, Matt 10:16. Do not run unnecessarily into danger, be careful, and do not unnecessarily endanger your lives.

for they will deliver you up to the councils. Matt 24:9; Mark 13:9; That is the great council of the nation, the Sanhedrim.  Matt 5:22. it refers to any judicial tribunal, of which there were some in every village.

They will scourge you in their synagogues. Luke 12:11; Luke21:12; Acts 5:40. Scourging, or whipping, is often mentioned in the New Testament as a part of punishment. The law of Moses directed that the number of stripes should not exceed forty, but might be any number less, at the discretion of the judge, Deut 25:2-3.

“And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles” Matt10:18. The disciples eventually experienced these hardships. Acts5:26&40, Acts12:1-3, Acts12:1-4. Not only from governments, courts, but also from within friends and family. 2Tim 4:16, Acts25:7&23, Acts 24:1-26. Living for God often brings persecution, but with it comes the opportunity to tell the good news of salvation. In time of persecution, we can be confident because Jesus has overcome the world. John16:33, And those who endure to the end will be saved. Matt10:22.

But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.” Matt10:19-20. Jesus told the disciples that when arrested for preaching the good news, they should not worry about what to say in their defence. Ex 4:12; Jere 1:7; Mark 13:11-13; Luke 12:11; Luke21:14-15. God’s Spirit would speak through them. 2Sam 23:2; Acts 4:8; Acts6:10; 2Tim 4:17. This promise was fulfilled in Acts4:1-14. We are to make carefully prepared thoughtful statements. Col4:6. Jesus is telling us not to stop preparing but to stop worrying.

“And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.” And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.” Matt10:21-22.

Our Saviour goes on to speak of the world’s hatred and enmity against the gospel, and the preachers of it; and tells all Christians in general, and His ministers in particular, to understand, that such is the enmity of the world against holiness, and those who profess it, that this hatred against the gospel will overcome and extinguish even the natural affections of the close and dearest relations towards each other. Grace teaches us to lay down our lives for the brethren, but corruption teaches a brother to take away the life of a brother; The brother shall deliver the brother to death. Mic 7:6; Matt 10:35-36; Luke 21:16. However, Our Saviour comforts His disciples that there will be an end of these sufferings; and assures them, that if their faith and patience holds on unto the end, they should be saved.  This is our comfort, that if our sufferings for Christ end not in our lifetime, they will end with our lives. Dan 12:12-13; Matt 24:13; Mark 13:13; Luke 21:17. Enduring to the end is evidence that we are really committed to Jesus. Persistence is a byproduct of a truly devoted life and not a way to salvation.

“But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come” Matt10:23. Jesus Christ warned His disciples against premature martyrdom. They are to leave the city before the persecution got too great, that they may preserve their lives for future service because they have plenty of work to do and many people to reach. Surely it is no shame to fly, when our Captain commands it, and practises it. Matt 2:1-23. Christ by his own example has approved it for us and by His command made it lawful for us. Matt 2:13; Matt4:12; Matt12:15; Matt14:6; Matt16:28; Acts 8:1; Acts9:25; Acts14:6,16.

The work won’t be finished until Christ returns, and only after He returns will the whole world realise His true identity. Rom14:9-12.

The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord.” Matt10:24.

Our Saviour here teaches all Christians but especially ministers, how unreasonable and absurd it is for them to expect better kindness from an unkind world than He himself met with.  Are we greater, holier, or wiser than He?  Why then should we expect better kindness than He?  Was He hated, persecuted, reviled, murdered, for the holiness of His doctrine and the usefulness of His life?  Why then should any of us think strange of the fiery trial, as if some strange thing had befallen them? 1Peter 4:12

Therefore, it is enough that the disciple be as his master and the servant as his Lord, they must not hope to be above Him? Luke 6:40; John 13:16; John15:20.

“It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household?” Matt10:25.

Jesus here warns the apostles that they cannot expect better treatment than He himself received–no, not so good. Nor should they ask exemption from what He himself suffered.

Matt 12:24; Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15; John 8:48,52.

The prince of demons was Satan, also known as Beelzebub, the lord of flies. Jesus was accused of using satan to drive out demons. Matt12:24. Good is sometimes labelled evil, if Jesus who was perfect was called evil, His followers should expect that similar accusations will be directed at them, but those who endure will be vindicated. Matt10:22.

“Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.” Matt10:26.

This is directed to all the persecuted followers of Christ.  Fear them not, for they can make you suffer nothing worse than they have made Christ suffer; and under all trials He has promised the amplest support.  God sees everything; this is the consolation to the upright and dismay to the wicked; and He will bring into judgment every work, and every secret thing, whether good or bad, Ecc 12:14, Mark 4:22; Luke 8:17; Luke12:2-3.

CONCLUSION: No one in the path of duty should be discouraged on account of difficulties; attacks and persec

tion for he will never meet with any which he will not be able to overcome, if he trust in Christ, He will be enabled either to overcome, or cheerfully and usefully to bear. Acts 5:41.1Cor10:13. Ask the Lord now: Lord help me to endure whatever comes my way for your names sake in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT 10:27-31

Those who stand up for Christ despite their troubles truly have lasting value and will receive great rewards.

“What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.” Matt10:27

Jesus says the private instructions which I give you while with me, that is what you should proclaim publicly. whatever I speak to you is for the benefit of mankind, -keep nothing from them, declare explicitly the whole counsel of God; preach it even on the house top. Pro 1:20; Acts 5:20. The roof top was a public conspicuous place.  2Sam 16:22. We are to preach only that which we have learned from God’s Spirit, and His testimonies; We should not try to bring forth anything new, or mysterious. John16:1,13,25,29; 2Cor 3:12.  There is nothing that concerns our salvation that is newer than the new covenant. what was secret before is now made manifest in the word of God.  Eph 3:1-12.

“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matt10:28

We are not to fear men who can kill the body and nothing more, who have no power to   injure the soul. The soul is the immortal part. The body is a small matter, in comparison with the soul. The death of the body is a temporal death, but the death of the soul is eternal. Temporal death is a slight thing, compared with eternal death. Isaiah 8:12; Isaiah51:7&12; 1Peter 3:14.

Fear not those who slay with acts of cruelty, such as cruelties which persecutors would exercise on his followers in their martyrdom.  Acts7:58-59, Luke 12:4-5, Matt 18:28.  But are not able to kill the soul. Hence, we find that the body and the soul are distinct principles, for the body may be slain and the soul escape; and, secondly, that the soul is immaterial, for the murderers of the body are not able in their power, to injure it. The souls of men die not with their bodies, but remain in a state of sensibility.

Jesus teaches His disciples, therefore, not to be worried at the prospect of temporal death; but to fear God, who can destroy both soul and body for ever. Fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. This is a proof that there is a hell for the soul in the eternal world; in other words, that the torment that awaits the lost will have elements of suffering attached to the material as well as the spiritual part of our nature, both of which, we are assured, will exist for ever. The wicked will be punished for ever. Matt 5:22. How ever, it is not  hell-fire we are to fear, but God. Isaiah 8: 13.

“Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.” Matt10:29, Luke 12:6-7.

Sparrows. Birds of very small kind and value, with a black throat, and brown temples. They were used for food among the Jews; and were an image of sorrow, solitude, and wretchedness. Ps 102:7.

 Without your Father. That is, God your Father guides and directs its fall. It falls only with His permission, and where He chooses.  He encourages them not to fear, that God took care of sparrows, the smallest and least valuable birds; and, if He takes care of birds of the least value; if He regards so small a thing as the hair of the head, He will certainly protect and provide for you. You need not, therefore, fear what man can do to you.

our Saviour preaches divine care to His disciples that, even the birds of the air, and the hairs of our head, do fall within the compass of God’s protection and care. And the purpose of this teaching is to fortify the spirits of His disciples against all distrustful fears and distraction cares. That the consideration of the divine care and gracious provisions of God over us and ours, ought to fortify our spirits against all distrustful fears whatsoever.  If God will not allow a hair from the head to fall to the ground, so also shall the head itself; and every part of the body be taken care of by God, especially our souls.

All things are ordered by the counsel of God. This is a great consolation to those who are tried and afflicted.  Nothing escapes His merciful love, not even the smallest things.

 “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Matt10:30

He encourages them not to fear, that God numbered even the very hairs of the head.  if God takes care of birds of the least value; if He regards so small a thing as the hair of the head, and numbers it, He will certainly protect and provide for you. You need not, therefore, fear what man can do to you. 1Sam 14:45; 2Sam 14:11. Nothing is more astonishing than the care and concern of God for His followers.  The least circumstances of their life are taken care of, not merely by that general care which extends to all things, but by a particular divine care, which fits and directs all things even to their salvation, making them all to work for their present and eternal good.  Rom 5:1-5. That is, each one receives the care and attention of God. He has fixed the number; no matter how less important, yet He does not think it beneath Him to determine how few, or how many, they shall be. He will, therefore, take care of you. Luke 21:18; Acts 27:34

“Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.” Matt10:31.

No one can estimate the value of a soul, for which Christ has given His blood and life! Therefore, fear not, have confidence in His goodness; for He who so dearly purchased you will miraculously preserve and save you. Matt 6:26; Matt12:11-12; Ps 8:5; Luke 12:24; 1Cor 9:9,10.

CONCLUSION: Jesus said that God is aware of every thing that happens even to sparrows, and you are far more valuable to Him than they are. You are so valuable that GOD sent His only Son to die for you John3:16. Because God places such value on you, you need never fear personal threats or difficult trials, only fear God.Matt10:28. Ask the Lord now: Lord help me to fear nothing but God Almighty in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT 10:32-33 

“Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.” Matt10:32, Luke 12:8, Rom 10:9-10; Rev 3:5.

Whosoever will confess me before men. To confess Christ does not mean to accept some set of beliefs, but to publicly acknowledge the Lord, and to live before men as his servant. That is, whosoever shall Publicly acknowledge me as the promised Messiah to be his saviour and Messiah, and have his heart and life regulated by my spirit and words and continue to obey me. John8:31. It is not merely sufficient to have the heart right before God; there must be a firm, manly, and public profession of Christ

before men. This confession means receiving the whole word, and obeying all His commandments. It implies two things:

  1. A confession of faith in Him with the lips, such as the confession made by Peter Matt 16:16, and the eunuch Acts 8:37, and by the psalmist Ps 119:46, and encouraged by Paul.1Tim 6:12-13. Apostle Paul describes this confession in Rom 10:10.
  2. An acknowledgment of Christ by obedience and by giving your life to his service. John 9:22,2Tim 1:8; 1John 4:15; Rev 2:13.

Confession is an open admittance and acknowledgement of belief. Confession is a demonstration of faith,

  1. By public acknowledgment, Rom1:16 and
  2. By an obedient life. Isaiah1:19.

A verbal acknowledgment of Christ is not enough if the life is a denial, for then it shows that the acknowledgment was a lie. The two must correspond.


  1. We confess or own Christ when we own His doctrine, His ministers, His servants, and when no fear hinders us from supporting and assisting them in times of necessity.
  2. By despising the shame and enduring the cross. Heb12:2
  3. By taking an open stand for Him which indicates a sense of unity with Christ and of Christ with him. Acts4:10


  1. Him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. Rev3:5
  2. Him will I confess; acknowledge and treat as my friend. Men’s treatment of Christ in this world will determine his treatment of them in the world to come. Phil4:3
  3. I will not be ashamed of him, but will own him before the most august of all assemblies.


  1. The hypocrite, says I will keep my religion to myself, that is, I will not confess Christ before men; then He will renounce you before God.
  2. Judgement.  Christ sitting on the throne of judgment promises to acknowledge as his own faithful brother everyone who has thus acknowledged him before men.

“But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.” Matt10:33. Our Lord Jesus Christ made this statement knowing that His disciples and followers will be strongly tempted even to the point of denial. Mark 14:30,72; Matt 26:70-75. The Jews denied Him when they rejected Him as Messiah.John19:6-15.

Him will I also deny. In other words, those who receive Him will be received; those who reject Him will be rejected. John1:12. Those who confess Him will be confessed, and those who deny Him, will be denied.  2Ti 2:12. Mark 8:38; Luke 9:26.


Christ may be denied in one of the following ways:

  1. All those who refuse to receive him as their Lord deny him still. John1:11.
  2. The disciple who, through the cares of the world, turns away from Christian life, denies Him. Heb6:6
  3. Whosoever prefers his worldly interest to his duty to God. 1John2:15-16. Those who vitally, by a wicked and unholy life deny Him.
  4. Those who sets a greater value on earthly things than on heavenly things, and prefers the friendship of men to the recognition of GOD. Col3:2,2Cor6:14,1Sam10:19.
  5. Those who make doctrinal and erroneous and heretical judgment.
  6. Those who by oral expressions verbally speak against Christ and His kingdom.


  1. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. That is, before that same assembly, he shall have from Me his own treatment of Me on the earth. Matt 16:27.
  2. Let it be remembered, that to be renounced by Christ is to have him neither for a Mediator nor a Saviour.
  3. To appear before the tribunal of God without having Christ as our Advocate, and, on the contrary, to have Him there as our Judge, and a witness against us, how can a man think of this and not die with horror! Isaiah33:22, James4:12.
  4. Deny me; desert my cause, deny to be my friend, I will deny you and treat you as my enemy.

CONCLUSION: That not to confess Christ, is to deny him: and to deny him, is to be ashamed of him.  Therefore, whosoever shall deny, or be ashamed of Christ, either in His person in His gospel, or in His members, for any fear of favour of man, shall with shame be disowned, and eternally rejected by Him at the dreadful judgment of the great day. Ask the Lord now: Lord help me to confess Christ openly before men no matter the situation in the name of Jesus.

LESSON 50           


TEXT: MATT 10:34-39

Christian commitment may separate friends and loved ones. our different values, will set us apart from others, because some will follow Christ and some will not. conflict will arise, as we take up our cross and follow Him, but remember that your commitment to God is ever more important than what may want to separate you. God should be your first priority.

“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.” Matt10:34, Luke 12:49,51-53

  1. Christ did not mean to say that the reason of His coming was to produce discord, contention, and conflict, for He is the prince of peace, Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah11:6; Luke 2:14; but He means to say that discord, contention and conflict would be one of the effects of his coming.
  2. That One part of a family that is opposed to him, would set themselves against those who believed in him. The cause of this hostility is a result of wickedness of men, and not the gospel. This prophetic word taken from Micah 7:6 has been more fulfilled; and will continue to be fulfilled, till we all unite in obeying His commandments. That way His gospel will produce universal peace.
  3. But a sword. The sword is an instrument of death, and to send a sword is the same as to produce hostility and war.
  4. The sword is sent, because persecutors use it upon the church. Therefore, the only sword that Christ or His followers use in conflict is the Sword of the Spirit. Eph6:17. A sword; Heb4:12. That is, the effect of my gospel and teaching will be, not to unite those who confess me and those who deny me, but to divide them, to separate them even though they belong to the same family. Luke 12:49,55.

“For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother-in-law.” Matt10:35, Micah 7:6

The spirit of Christ can have no union with the spirit of the world, they can never agree. There will be betrayals, even an unconverted father, will oppose a godly child. Matt 10:21; Matt24:10; Micah 7:5; Mark 13:12; Luke 21:16. Family ties and social ties cannot stand in the way of loyalty to Christ and righteous living. So, the spirit that is in those who sin against God is opposed to that spirit which is in the followers of the Highest.  It is the spirits then that are in opposition, and not the persons.

“And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.” Matt10;36. This saying, which is quoted from Micah 7:6, is an extension of the Psalmist’s complaint Ps 41:9; Ps55:12-14, which was displayed in the treason of Judas against our Lord Himself John 13:18; Matt 26:48-50. That is why the choice between Christ and close relations, would always be a test for people.

It is important to give deep attention to this verse: The father is the enemy of his son, when, through a bad education, or an irregular love, and intentional indulgence, leaves him to take wrong steps. Pro23:13, Pro22:15, Pro13:24, Pro22:6. The son is the father’s enemy, when he is the reason, the father engages in illegal dealings to amass wealth for him. Pro13:22 The mother is the daughter’s enemy, when she trains her to please the world, brings her up in excess and vanity, and allows anything scandalous or unseemly in her dressing. Pro22:15. The daughter is the mother’s enemy, when she becomes her idol, when she engages her to comply with her own irregular inclinations, and to permit her to frequent balls and plays.  The master is the enemy of his servant, and the servant that of his master, when the master takes no care of the servant’s salvation, and the servant unduly submits to his master’s passions. Pro27:23.

“He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” Matt10:37, Luke 14:26.

What does this mean?

  1. It means that Love of family is a law of God, but even this love can be selfish and used as an excuse not to serve God or do His work. God is a jealous God.Ex34:14
  2. It means that the Lord does not require us to love our family less, but that we should love Him more, that our Love for Him must become the dominant principle of life.
  3. It means that Without exception, nothing is to be preferred before our duty to God. Our first and chief love must be to God.
  4. It means that our preference of our family relationship means the abandonment of our supreme affection for our Lord Jesus.
  5. It means that, He that is not ready to give up all these relationships, when they stand in competition with His duty. Will not be accepted as worthy.
  6. It means that, Christ must be loved supremely, or He is not loved at all. If we are not willing to give up all earthly possessions, and forsake all earthly friends; and if we do not obey him rather than all others, we have no true attachment to him. 1Thess5:22.
  7. It means that, a man must love Christ more than earthly friends, and follow Him notwithstanding all the trials to which it may expose him, or he cannot be His true disciple.
  8. it means that, nothing should ever hinder you from embracing, and steadfastly following Him; despite all the losses you may encounter, including life itself, they will all work for your eternal good. Rom 8:28.
  9. It means that, He whom we love the most is he whom we study most to please, and whose will and interests we prefer in all cases. Matt6:21., Rom6:16.
  10. It means that, if in order to please a father or mother who are in some cases opposed to vital godliness, and we abandon God’s ordinances and followers, we are unworthy, we are not fit to be regarded as a follower of Christ; or as Christian.

“And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.” Matt10:38, Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23.

What does it mean?

  1. It means to be willing to publicly identify with Him, to experience certain opposition and to be willing to face even suffering and death for His sake.
  2. It means that all the disciples of Christ should be ready and willing, whenever God calls them to it, to quit all their temporal interests and enjoyments, even life itself, and to submit to any temporal inconvenience, even death itself; and all this must be willingly, cheerfully, and patiently done rather than disown their relationship to Christ, and quit the profession of His truth and kingdom. Matt 16:24. Matt4:19.
  3. It means that without making sacrifices, men cannot be disciples of Christ. Luke 14:27.
  4. It means that, He who is not ready, to follow after my example, to suffer death in the cause of my gospel, is not worthy of me, he does not deserve to be called my disciple.
  5. It means that we must endure whatever is burdensome, or trying, or considered as disgraceful, in following Christ.
  6. It means simply doing our duty, doing just what is required of us in the Scriptures, regardless of shame, disgrace, or pain. Heb12:2.
  7. It means being prepared for trials in general for Christ’s sake, a preparedness to go forth even to crucifixion. Matt16:24.
  8. To follow Christ is to take Him for our master, our teacher, our example; to believe His word, to uphold his cause, to obey his precepts, and to do it though it leads to heaven by the way of the cross.

“He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.” Matt10:39, Luke 17:33; John 12:25

  1. It means clinging to this life may cause us to forfeit the best from Christ in this world and in the next. Matt 16:25
  2. It means the more we love this life and its rewards, leisure, power, popularity, riches, the more we will discover how empty they really are.
  3. It means that, He who, for the sake of his temporal interest, abandons his spiritual concerns, shall lose his soul; and he who, in order to avoid suffering, rejects Christ, shall lose his soul, and perhaps his life too.

 He that findeth his life shall lose it, was literally fulfilled in Archbishop Cranmer.  He confessed Christ against the devil, and his eldest son, the pope.  He was ordered to be burnt; to save his life he recanted, and was, notwithstanding, burnt.

  1. It means He that is anxious to save his temporal life, or his comfort and security here, shall lose eternal life; He that is willing to risk, or lose, his comfort and life here, for my sake, shall find life everlasting; or shall be saved. Whatever a man sacrifices to God is never lost, for he finds it again in God. Rev 2:10.
  2. It means that Whoever counts his life of so much value that he will preserve it by sacrificing his Christian integrity, or will renounce his belief to save his life, will find in the end that he has lost his soul forever for the sake of a few fleeting years; while he who gives up all things, even life itself, will find an abundant reward in the life eternal. All self-seeking is self-losing. The Divine law is always to give in order to receive.
  3. It means that all self-seeking is self-losing. He that makes his own life the chief object of his endeavour really fails the more he seems to succeed. He who saves and keeps his powers to spend them on those lower carnal joys which a sinner calls “life” shall lose those higher spiritual joys which God calls “life,” and vice versa.
  4. It means that if because of your worldly interest, you preserve your temporal life, at the detriment of following Christ you are not only greatly jeopardising your temporal life, but exposing your eternal life to the greatest danger. He that finedeth his life shall lose it.

 CONCLUSION: Christian commitment may separate friends and loved ones. Jesus was not encouraging conflicts, but He was showing that His presence demands a decision, because some will allow Christ and some will not. conflict will arise, as we take up our cross and follow Him, our different values, will set us apart from others. Do not neglect your family, but remember that your commitment to God is ever more important than it is. God should be your first priority. Ask the Lord now: Lord help me to always make God my first priority in all I do and help me to always carry my cross and follow our Lord Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT 10:40-42

How much we love God can be measured by how well we treat others.

“He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.” Matt10:40

He that receiveth you receiveth me: in other words, He that treats you kindly, I will consider the kindness that, it was shown to myself. Anyone who welcomes you is welcoming me. Matt 18:5; Luke 9:48; Luke10:16. Christ is here teaching us service and relationship. Service to one another, and service to God. Christ and believers are so united, that what is done to them is considered as done to Him.Matt25:35-40. Every service you render to man is as unto God. Every time you treat any one with hospitality, you are doing same to God. Every one that entertains you, has entertained God.

and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me: That is, he who receives and welcomes me, as the true Messiah, would be considered to have received and welcomed the God by whose love I am come. John12:44; John13:20; Gal 4:14. Christ is here teaching us relationship with one another and with God. Believers’ relationships with God could be likened to marriage Matt19:5. Christ and the Father are so united, that what is done to one is done to the other. Johm10:30. Christ gave His glory to believers for us to be one with Him as He is with God. John17:11-22. Therefore, the treatment you give to an ambassador of Christ is an expression of the way you regard and see the one who sent him. So, our Lord Jesus Christ is saying “Your authority is Mine, as Mine is My Father’s.

“He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward.” Matt10:41.

He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward: That is, he that entertains a prophet, that is, a preacher of the Gospel In the name of a prophet-that is, because he is such, shall share in his reward. in other words, he shall share in the spiritual blessings which God bestows on the prophet whom he has aided or supported.

Abimelech and Abraham. Gen20:7&14-18.

Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath. 1kings17:9-24.

Elisha and the Shunammite woman.2kings4:8-37

Acts 16:15; Rom 16:1-4,23; 2Tim 1:16-18; Heb 6:10; 3John 1:5-8.

However, it must be noted that a prophet’s reward does not include final salvation, for salvation is a matter of grace and not of reward. Eph2:8-9.

and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward:   Whoever honours a righteous man, or a disciple, on the ground of that person’s relation to God, to that extent honours God by that act. He shall share in the spiritual blessings which God bestows on the righteous man, whom he has honoured or supported. Matt 6:1,4,6; Matt16:27; Matt25:34-40; Isaiah 3:10; Luke 14:13-14; 1Cor 9:17, 2Thess 1:6-7; 2John 1:8.

People may at any time show kindness to Jesus Christ from the point of love to Him and the cause of His kingdom, and to His disciples; thereby indirectly and continually enhancing their own gracious and eternal reward.

Even If the teacher, prophets, or the righteous man should be weak, or even if he should be found afterwards to have been worthless, yet the person who has received him in the name, under the sacred character, of an evangelist, shall not lose his reward; because what he did, he did for the sake of Christ, and through love for His Church.  And again: He who speaks against a faithful pastor, it is the same as if he had spoken against God Himself.  Miriam and Aaron Num12:1-8, Abimelec, and Isaac Gen26:11 Zech 2:8, Ps105:15.

“And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.” Matt10:42

 These little ones. Matt 18:5-6; Matt25:40.

This refers to the disciples of Christ. They are called little ones, to reflect their none desire for wealth, position, education, and whatever the world calls great. They were little in the estimation of the world, and in their own estimation. They were learners, not yet teachers; and they made no pretensions to what attracts the admiration of mankind

A cup of cold water only. Mark 9:41; Mark12:42; Mark 14:7-8; 2Co 8:12. This refers to the smallest act of kindness. If done “because he was a disciple,” or out of regard for Christ, he should never lose his reward. Good deeds are never lost. Luke 6:35; 2Cor 9:6-15, Heb 6:10. Here in the close of the chapter, our blessed Saviour encourages his apostles to faithfulness in their office, by assuring them that he should reckon and esteem all the kindness shown to them as done unto himself:  and to encourage the world to be kind to his disciples and ministers, he assures them that even a cup of cold water should meet with a liberal reward.  How cold is their charity who deny a cup of cold water to the ministers and disciples of Christ!

CONCLUSION: God notices every good deed we do or don’t do as if He were the one receiving it Is there something unselfish you can do for someone else today? Although no one else may see you, God will notice you. Ask the Lord now: Lord help me to always show kindness to everyone, no matter how little   in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT 11:1-19

“And it came to pass, when Jesus had made an end of commanding his twelve disciples, he departed thence to teach and to preach in their cities” Matt11:1 Christ, having finished his instructions to his disciples, departs to preach in different cities of the Jews.

Mt 11:1-19. THE IMPRISONED BAPTIST’S MESSAGE TO HIS MASTER— “Now when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples, And said unto him, Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?” Matt11:2-3. Lu 7:18-19

Ge 49:10; Nu 24:17; Da 9:24; Joh 6:14

As John sat in prison, he began to have some doubts about whether Jesus really was the Messiah.  John’s doubt might have arisen from his own present circumstances. Matt 14:3. He was a prisoner, and might be tempted to think, if Jesus be indeed the Messiah, why is it that I, his friend and forerunner, am brought into this trouble, and am left to be so long in it, and He never looks after me, never visits me, nor sends people to me, He did not enquire after me, and He did nothing either to lessen my imprisonment or hasten my freedom? John saw it as a neglect, and it was perhaps a shock to his faith in Christ. This teaches us that even Where there is true faith, sometimes there may be a mixture of unbelief. The best is not always as strong. Also, those who face troubles for Christ’s sake, especially when they continue long, such trials of faith sometimes prove too hard to bear.


“Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.” Matt11:4-5.

Jesus referred them for an answer to these miracles. They were proof that he was the Messiah. Prophets had indeed wrought miracles, but no prophet had wrought so many, or any so important. Jesus, moreover, wrought them in his own name, and by his own power. Prophets had done it by the power of God. Jesus, therefore, performed the works which none but the Messiah could do; and John might easily understand that he was the Christ. John 2:23; John3:2; John5:36

The poor have the Gospel preached to them. It was predicted of the Messiah, that he would preach good tidings to the meek, Isaiah 41:1; or, as it is rendered in the New Testament, preach the gospel to the poor, Luke 4:18. By this therefore, also, John might understand that He was truly the Messiah. It addition to this testimony, is that the poor have always been overlooked by Pharisees and philosophers. None had condescended to notice the poor before Christ; and no system of religion had attempted to teach the poor, until Christianity, the poor was regarded as un worthy of notice. James 2:5 Jesus answered John’s doubts by pointing to Jesus’ acts of miracles and preaching the good news to the poor. With so much evidence Jesus identity was obvious. Therefore, if you sometimes doubt your salvation, the forgiveness of your sin, or God’s work in your life, look at the evidence in scripture and the changes in your life. When you doubt, do not turn away from Christ, turn to Him. John10:25&38; John14:11.

And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.” Matt11:6. The word offence means a stumbling-block. Matt 5:29. This verse might be rendered, “Happy is he to whom I shall not be a stumbling-block to!” That is, happy is he who shall not take offence at my poverty and lowliness of life, so as to reject me and my teaching. Matt11:.029-30. Happy is he who can, see the evidence that I am the Messiah, notwithstanding that poverty and obscurity and follow me. In other words, Jesus is saying   that He gave sufficient evidence that He is the Messiah by His works; that any one might discover it if he chose; and blessed is that one who would seek that evidence, and embrace Him as the Christ, despite His humble manner of life. Rom 9:32-33.

The commendation of John

“And as they departed, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John, What went ye out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind?” Matt11:7

Lu 7:24; Eph 4:14. Our Saviour commends John For his constancy; he was not a reed shaken with the wind; that is, a man of an unstable unsettled judgment, but fixed and steadfast.

But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? behold, they that wear soft clothing are in kings’ houses.” Matt11:8. Our Lord Jesus Christ commended him for his sobriety and high measures of strict way of life; he was not a person of pleasure, but, sober, and strict; he was mortified to the pleasures of the world to glory and honour of God. Matt3:4. John wrought no miracles; but his holy conversation was as effectual as miracles, to prevail with the people.

“But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet. For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.” Matt11:9-10

Luke 1:76; Luke7:26. Our Saviour commends John for his clear preaching and revealing of Christ to the people.  He was more than a prophet, John 11:9 because he pointed out Christ more clearly and fully than any before him. The ancient prophets saw Christ afar off; John beheld him face to face; he prophesied of him; he pointed at him, saying, This is He. So, we learn that the clearer any ministry is discovering Christ, the more excellent it is. Jesus commended him for his humility; he might have been what he wanted, because the people were ready to declare him a Messiah, Matt 14:5; Matt21:26, but John’s lowly spirit refuses all; He confessed and denied not, saying, I am not the Christ, but a poor minister of His, willing, but not worthy to render service to Him.  John3:25-28&30. This kind of humility will commend our ministry to the hearts of our people, when we seek not our own glory, but the glory of Christ.

“Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.” Matt11:11

Our Saviour having highly commended John in the foregoing verses, now makes a distinction between his ministry and that of those after him. That though John was greater than all the prophets that went before him, because he saw more of Christ than all of them, yet he saw less than them that came after him. By this, we understand that the smallest evangelical minister that preaches the coming of Christ, is preferred before all the old prophets, who prophesied of the coming of Christ.  That minister who sets forth the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, is greater in the kingdom of heaven, that is, has a higher office in the church, and a more excellent ministry, than all the prophets, and even more than John himself.

The excellency of every ministry consists in the light and clearness of it. Although, John’s light exceeded all that went before him, yet he fell short of them that came after him; and so he that was least in the kingdom of grace on earth, even though he is least in the kingdom of glory in heaven, was greater than John. for John did no miracle, but the apostles that succeed him went forth, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. In addition to this, that the Holy Ghost fell not upon John, and he speaks not by any extraordinary inspiration of the Holy Spirit sent down from heaven, as the apostles did; thus, he that was least in the kingdom of heaven was greater than John. No person ever fulfilled his God given purpose better than John, yet in God’s kingdom, all members will have a greater spiritual heritage than John because they will have seen and known Christ and His finished work on the cross.

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.” Matt11:12. That is, from the days when John began to preach, there was a great rush, or a crowd pressing to hear John. Multitudes went out to hear him, as if they were about to take the kingdom of heaven by force. Matt 3:5. And this, has continued. Since the kingdom of heaven, or the gospel, has been preached, there has been a rush to it. Men have been earnest about it; they have come pressing to obtain the blessing, as if they would take it by violence. Luke16:16 Our Saviour is saying that entering God’s kingdom takes courage, unwavering faith, determination, and endurance because of the growing opposition levelled at Jesus’folowers. Luke13:24.

“For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John.” Matt11:13. This means that John introduced a new dispensation; and that the old one, where the prophets and the law of Moses were the guide, was closed when he preached that the kingdom of heaven was at hand. The law refers to  the five books of Moses, and the prophets, refers to  the remainder of the books of the Old Testament.

“And if ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come.” Matt11:14. Malachi predicted that Elijah would come to prepare the way for the Lord. Christ explains that this was fulfilled in John. He was not the literal, but a spiritual Elijah. Malachi 4:5.

“He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” Matt11:15.

This expression is frequently used by Christ. Matt 13:9; Luke 8:8. It is a proverbial expression, implying that the highest attention should be given to what was spoken. The doctrine about John he regarded as of the greatest importance. He among you, says he, that has the faculty of understanding this, or that will believe that this is the Elijah spoken of, let him attend to it, and remember it.  Rev 2:7

“But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows,” Matt11:16. That is, the men of this age.  They are like those froward children of whom their fellows complain, that they will never be pleased in any way. Luke 7:31.

“And saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented.” Matt11:17. We have begun the music, which should have been followed by the dance, but ye have not attended to it. These children are wayward, and will do nothing to please their mates.

“For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil.” Matt11:18. He lived a very austere and mortified life: and yet, they did not receive him. A sinner will not be persuaded that what he has no mind to imitate can come from God.  There are some who will rather blame holiness itself, than esteem it in those whom they do not like. They said he is a vile hypocrite, influenced by a demon to deceive and destroy the simple.

“The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children” Matt11:19. That which the many refuses, the elect and chosen embrace. Wise men acknowledge the wisdom of the gospel when they receive it. Matt 9:10; Luke 7:35

CONCLUSION: Doubtless there was a good reason why our Lord Jesus did not go to John in prison, lest there should seem to have been a compact between them. Ask the Lord now: Lord help me to always keep your word in my heart in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT 11:20-24

Our Saviour having gone through the cities of Galilee, preaching the word of repentance, and confirming it with miracles but, despite all His endeavours, He found that the multitudes remained unrepentant, therefore proceeded to criticize them severely for their contempt of the gospel.  “Then began he to upbraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works were done, because they repented not:” Matt11:20. The cities in the vicinity of the Sea of Galilee had, so far, heard and seen the most of the Lord and had no excuse for rejecting the gospel of repentance. Matt 9:35. Most of His mighty works done in these cities, include the healing of the centurion’s servant, the son of the nobleman, the diseased woman, two blind men, and the raising of the daughter of Jairus. These were only a very small part of the mighty works He did. The aim of the gospel is repentance and a new life.  Luke 10:12-15. Anything short of repentance is misery and destruction.

Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works, which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.” Matt11:21. Woe to thee, that is, miserable art thou. Jesus was making a solemn, compassionate declaration of the misery they were bringing on themselves for not repenting. Matt 18:7; Matt23:13-29; Matt26:24; Jere 13:27. The cities He  criticized  were, Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum because He daily preached in their pulpits, and those places where the centres where He wrought miracles; yet they refused to repent and believe, but other cities only heard of the miracles while these cities saw it live, in other words where He preached most, He prevailed least; like some fishermen, He catched least in his own pond.

The people of Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum saw Jesus firsthand, and yet they stubbornly refused to repent of their sins and believe Him. Jesus said that if some of the most wicked cities in the world had seen Him, they would have repented. Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum saw Jesus and did not believe, they would suffer even greater punishment than would the wicked cities that did not see Jesus. Similarly, Nations and cities with churches on every corner and Bibles in every home will have no excuse on judgement day if they do not repent and believe.

“But I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment, than for you.” Matt11:22, Matt 10:15.

That is, beside the general declaration of woe to those stubborn unbelievers, the degree of their misery will be greater than even that of Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment. This solemn word of our Lord Jesus Christ teaches us:

(1) That there will be a day of judgment for all, cities, nations, and men. 1John 4:17.

(2) That men will be judged according to their opportunities; that those who have had and neglected opportunities will be held most guilty. Heb6:4-6. That God takes account of our opportunities when He comes to measure our guiltiness. Matt 12:36; 2Peter 2:9; 2Peter3:7.

(3) That there will be different degrees of future punishment, according to guilt and opportunities; that those whose opportunities have been greatest will receive the greater punishment, if these are neglected. Every man will be judged and punished according to his opportunities and works. The idea of the same punishment for all the unsaved is nowhere taught by Christ because, even among those who stand condemned at the judgment there is a difference, and that it shall be more tolerable for some than for others. Matt12:47-48.

(4) That Every hearer of the gospel is left either much more blessed or much more wretched.

(5) That the miracles which Jesus wrought were calculated to lead men to repentance, for they demonstrated His authority to demand that man should repent.

And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works, which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day.” Matt11:23.

And thou, Capernaum Which art exalted to heaven. This indicates great privileges. Capernaum was peculiarly favoured with knowledge, it was a prosperous city, successful in commerce and favourably wealthy. Most of all, it was highly favoured by the presence, the preaching, and the miracles of our Lord Jesus Christ. He spent a large part of His time in the early part of His ministry; and in Capernaum and its neighbourhood He performed His notable miracles. Matt 4:13.

Shalt be brought down to hell. This does not mean that all the people should go to hell; but that the city which had flourished so prosperously, should lose its prosperity, and occupy the lowest place among cities. The word hell is used here, not to indicate a place of punishment in the future world, but a state of desolation and destruction as a city. It stands in contrast with the word heaven. To be exalted to heaven did not mean that the people would all be saved, or dwell in heaven, so their being brought down to hell refers to the desolation of the city. Their privileges, honours, wealth, etc., would be taken away, and they would sink as low among cities as they had been before they were exalted. That is, Capernaum shall disappear from human view. Within less than forty years Capernaum was destroyed by the Romans, and for many centuries has not had an existence. This has been strictly fulfilled. In the wars between the Jews and the Romans, Chorazin, Bethsaida, Capernaum, etc., were so completely desolated that it is difficult to determine their former situation. It is not to be denied, also, that He threatened future punishment on those who rejected Him. The true lesson here is, that those who are highly favoured must be punished accordingly if they abuse their privileges. ” Isaiah 14:13-15; Lam 2:1, Gen19:24-25.

If the mighty workshad been done in Sodom. Matt 10:15. Sodom was destroyed on account of its great wickedness. Christ says, if His miracles had been done there, they would have repented, and consequently the city would not have been destroyed. As it was, it would be better for Sodom in the day of judgment than for Capernaum, for its inhabitants would not be called to answer for the abuse of so great privileges.

And remained until this day. That is:

(1) Sodom was destroyed for its sins.

(2) Had it not been sinful it would have “remained.”

(3) Therefore, it is sins that destroy cities and nations. Jerusalem, Babylon, Sodom, Capernaum, and other extinct ancient cities have perished on account of their sins.

(4) Modern cities which scoff at God and take delight in iniquity will “be brought down to hell” also. Permanent temporal prosperity depends on righteousness. Pro14:34.

“But I say unto you, That it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment, than for thee.” Matt11:24

So, there shall be a day of judgment and some sinners shall fare worse than others.  There are degrees of punishment among the damned. That the worst unbelievers, who never heard of the Saviour, nor ever had an offer of salvation by Him, shall fare better in the day of judgment than those that continue unrepentant under the gospel.  Christ vouches, that Capernaum’s sentence shall exceed Sodom’s punishment. A punishment which might have been avoided by repentance. Jonah 3:10. There is hope for the greatest sinner if there is repentance.

CONCLUSION: What Jesus upbraided them for was not for disrespect to His person, but for disobedience to His Word; because they repented not. The great design of Christ both in the Word which He preached, and in the miracles which He wrought was to bring men to repentance; that is, to forsake their sins, and live well. 2Peter3:9. Ask the Lord now: Lord help me to always live a repentant life by your word in my heart in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT 11:25 -30

True rest comes from Jesus. He sets people free from burdens. The rest He promises is love, healing and peace with God. our Saviour glorifies His Father for the wise and free spreading of His gospel, because He has given grace to the least and most ignorant; whilst the great and learned men of the world undervalued and despised the gospel.

 “At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.” Matt11:25

By wise and prudent, Christ means worldly-wise men, particularly the scribes and pharisees. God in judgment hid the mysteries of the gospel, and said they shall not see; because they had closed their eyes. Matt 13:11-16, 1Cor 1:19. So, God left them to their own darkness, by denying them that light which they had no desire to see.

Hast revealed them unto babes. Christ means revealed to the poor, ignorant, and obscure; the teachable, simple, and humble men as His disciples. Ps 8:2, 1Cor 1:27.

The scribes and Pharisees rejected His gospel; but it was the pleasure of God to reveal it to obscure and more humble men, and that it seemed good in the sight of God. Luke 10:21.

Therefore, the thanksgiving prayer of Jesus to the Father is not that God had hidden these things from the wise and prudent, but that, seeing they were hidden from them, He had revealed them to the others. Matt 16:17.

“Even so, Father: for so it seemed good in thy sight.” Matt11:26. In other words, the scribes and Pharisees rejected His gospel; but it was the pleasure of God to reveal it to obscure and more humble men, and that it seemed good in the sight of God. Luke 10:21. So, it is right that the heavenly wisdom, despised, rejected, and persecuted by the scribes and Pharisees, should be offered to the simple people, who will justify God in His ways, by bringing forth that fruit of the Gospel of which the Pharisees refused to receive.

“All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.” Matt11:27

All things are delivered unto me of my Father.  This is a great truth, and the key of the power of salvation. Christ Jesus receives from the Father, and because of this relationship with the eternal Godhead becomes the Lord and sovereign giver of all things. John3:35, Eph1:20-22. All power is committed to him Matt28:18., the government of the universe is committed to him as a Mediator from God the Father, and now has control over all things, for the good of His church, that He may redeem His people, and guide them to glory. John17:2. Therefore, all the springs of the Divine favour are in the hands of Christ, as Priest of God, and atoning Sacrifice for men, Heb12:24, all good proceeds from him, as Saviour, Mediator, Head, and sovereign Judge of the whole world. Col1:16-17,1Cor15:27.

No man knoweth the Son, but the Father. That is, no mortal can fully comprehend Him. None but God fully knows him. This show that He is not a mere man. none can fully comprehend the nature, incarnation, of Christ, but the Father.John10:15, Luke10:22. The full comprehension and acknowledgment of the Godhead, and the mystery of the Trinity, belong to God alone.

neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son. That is, no one man or angel clearly comprehends the character of the infinite God, the essence and nature, the will and counsel of the Father, but the Son–the Lord Jesus.John1:18. There is no true knowledge of God, nor peace of mind, but only in Christ alone.

and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him. That is, Christ is the revelation of God to man. This He does by revealing the character of God clearly, and more especially, by manifesting his character as a sin-forgiving God, to the soul that is weary and heavy laden, John 17:6.  “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father” John 14:9. Those who “know” Christ by humble obedience and diligence learn to know the Father also.

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matt11:28.

Here we have a sweet invitation, backed with a gracious encouragement. Isaiah 45:22-25; Isaiah 55:1-3; John 7:37; Rev 22:17 Christ invites all those who are weary of the burden of sin, of the slavery of Satan, of the yoke of the ceremonial law, to come unto him for rest and ease; and as an encouragement assures them, that upon their coming to him they shall find rest.Matt23:4,Rom7:22-25,Gal5:1. That to come unto Christ is to believe in him, and to become one of his disciples. He that cometh unto me shall not hunger, he that believteh on me shall not thirst. John 6:35. That the laden sinner, upon his coming, shall find rest.  Ps 94:13; Ps116:7; Isaiah 11:10; Isaiah28:12; Isaiah48:17-18; Jere 6:16 2Thess 1:7; Heb 4:1.

“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” Matt11:29

Take my yoke. This signifies to labour for one, or in the service of anyone. The yoke is used in the Bible as an emblem

(1.) of bondage or slavery, Lev 26:13

(2.) Of afflictions or crosses, Lam 3:27.

(3.) Of the punishment of sin, Lam 1:14.

(4.) Of the commandments of God, as in this place.

(5.) Of legal ceremonies, Acts 15:10; Gal 5:1. It refers here to the religion of the Redeemer; and means that they should embrace his system of religion and obey him. All virtue and all religion imply restraint– the restraint of our bad passions and inclinations–and subjection to laws; and the Saviour here means to say that the restraints and laws of His gospel were mild, and gentle, and easy. Let anyone compare them with the burdensome and expensive ceremonies of the Jews,


For I am meek, Matt 5:5. This was eminently Christ’s personal character. But this is not its meaning here. He is giving a reason why they should embrace his gospel. That was, that He was not harsh, overbearing, and oppressive, like the Pharisees, but meek, mild, and gentle in His government. His laws were reasonable and tender; and it would be easy to obey Him.

learn of me. Phil 2:5-8; 1Peter 2:21

lowly in heart. Zech 9:9

ye shall find. Jere 6:16

 Now as Moses had a yoke, so had Christ.

Accordingly, we observe that Christ’s disciples must wear Christ’s yoke. This yoke is twofold; a yoke of instruction; and a yoke of affliction; Christ’s law is a yoke of instruction; it instructs; it restrains our natural inclinations, it curbs our sensual appetites; it is a yoke to corrupt nature; this yoke Christ calls His yoke,

Take my yoke upon you:  1. Because He, as a Lord, lays it upon our necks.

  1. Because He, as a servant, bore it upon His own neck first, before He laid it upon ours.

We also Observe, That the way and manner how to bear Christ’s yoke must be learnt of Christ Himself.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; that is, learn of me, both what to bear, and how to bear.

 We Observe, That Christ’s humility and lowly-mindedness, is a great encouragement to Christians to come unto him, and learn of him, both how to obey his commands, and how to suffer his will and pleasure. Learn of me, for I am meek.

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” Matt11:30.

   That is, my service is good and gainful, profitable and useful; not only tolerable but delightful; and as is my yoke such is my burden:  The burden of my cross, both light, not absolutely, but comparatively; the weight of my cross is not comparable with the glory of my crown.

Christ’s service is easy to a spiritual mind.

  1. It is easy, as it is a rational service; consonant to right reason, though contradictory to depraved nature.
  2. Easy as it is a spiritual service; delightful to a spiritual mind.
  3. Easy, as it is an assisted service; considering that we work not in our own strength, but in God’s.
  4. Easy, when once it is an accustomed service; though hard to beginners, it is easy to progressors; the further we walk, the sweeter is our way.
  5. Easy, as it is the most gainful service; having the assurance of an eternal weight of glory, as the reward of our obedience.

Well therefore might our holy Lord say to his followers; My yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

CONCLUSION: Believers, sorely tempted, and oppressed by the remains of the carnal mind, may come to this blood, that cleanseth from all unrighteousness; and, purified from all sin, and powerfully succoured in every temptation, they shall find uninterrupted rest in this complete Saviour. All are invited to come, and all are promised rest.  If few find rest from sin and vile affections, it is because few come to Christ to receive it. . Ask the Lord now: Lord help me to learn of you and give me true rest for my soul in the name of Jesus.


TOPIC:  PRE-EMINENCE-OF CHRIST (Dominant, superiority)

TEXT: MATT 12:1-8

“At that time Jesus went on the sabbath day through the corn; and his disciples were an hungred, and began to pluck the ears of corn, and to eat.” Matt12:1

This shows the poor estate and low condition of the disciples of Christ in this world; they wanted bread, and are forced to pluck the ears of corn to satisfy their hunger.  God sometimes tries His dearest children in this world to encounter situations of want, for the trial of their faith, and dependence upon His power and providence.

“But when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto him, Behold, thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do upon the sabbath day.” Matt12:2. The Pharisees, were desirous of finding fault with Christ, and accused Him of allowing His disciples to pluck grains on the sabbath day, therefore, violated the commandment of Moses which he commanded the Hebrews to abstain from all menial work on the sabbath, Ex 20:10; Ex 31:15, Ex35:2-3; Num15:32-36. For them, this would have been clearly lawful on any other day, for it was permitted. Deut 23:25.

What can we observe? we can observe that the persons finding fault with this action of the disciples, accompanied our Saviour, not out of any good intentions, but only with a design to criticise, and quarrel with, everything that either Christ or is disciples said or did. Matt10:16, Luk10:3, Acts20:29.

It is not theft which the disciples are accused of by the Pharisees!  but it was a menial labour on the sabbath. This shows how zealous hypocrites emphasise lesser things of the law, whilst they neglect the weightier things. Matt23: 23. But he said unto them, Have ye not read what David did, when he was an hungred, and they that were with him; How he entered into the house of God, and did eat the shewbread, which was not lawful for him to eat, neither for them which were with him, but only for the priests? Or have ye not read in the law, how that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple profane the sabbath, and are blameless? Matt12:3-5.

In these words, our Saviour defends the action of His disciples in plucking the ears of corn in their necessity, by a double argument.

  1. From David’s example: necessity freed him from fault in eating the consecrated bread, which none but the priest might lawfully eat. The law commanded that twelve loaves of bread should be laid on the table in the holy place in the tabernacle, to remain a week, and then to be eaten by the priests only. Their place was supplied then by fresh bread. This was called the shew-bread, Lev 24:5-9. David, fleeing before Saul, weary and hungry, had come to Ahimelech the priest; had found only this bread; had asked it of him, and had eaten it, contrary to the letter of the law, 1Sam 21:1-7. David, among the Jews, had high authority. This act had passed un condemned. It proved that in cases of necessity the laws did not bind a man: a principle which all laws admit. So, the necessity of the disciples justified them in doing on the sabbath what would have been otherwise unlawful.
  2. From the example of the priests in the temple who upon the sabbath do break the outward rest of the day, by killing their sacrifices, and many other acts of bodily labour, which would be accounted sabbath-abomination, did not the service of the temple require and justify it.The ten commandments require that the sabbath is to be kept Holy.Ex20:8-11.The purpose of the sabbath is to rest and to worship God. Gen2:3. The priests were allowed to work by performing sacrifices and conducting worship services. This sabbath work was serving and worshiping God, but the pharisees were rigidly following the letter of the law instead of the intention, and so  our Saviour is saying, if the temple-service can justify labour on the sabbath, I am greater than the temple, and my authority and service can justify what my disciples have done.

From the whole we learn, that acts of mercy, which tend to fit the purpose of the work and service to God, not only may, but ought to be, done on the sabbath-day.

 “But I say unto you, That in this place is one greater than the temple.” Matt12:6   The Jews esteemed nothing greater than the temple, except that God who was worshipped in it.  They are so concerned about rituals that they missed the whole purpose of the temple, which is to bring people to God. God is far more important than the created instruments of worship. If we become more concerned with the means of worship than with the one, we worship, we will miss God even as we think we are worshiping Him. So, Christ, told them that He was greater than the temple, meaning that He was God. Matt 12:8, Gen 2:3.

 One greater than the temple. Mal 3:1, Heb 3:3.   Here He refers to himself, and to his own dignity and power. “I have power over the laws: I can grant to my disciples a permission to do something forbidden by the Jewish laws. An act which I command or permit them to do, is therefore right.” This proves that He is Divine. None but God can authorize men to do a thing contrary to the Divine laws. Matt 9:13. This shows that God preferred acts of righteousness, rather than a precise observance of a ceremonial law.

The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.” Mark 2:27-28. That is, the Sabbath was intended for the welfare of man; designed to promote his happiness; and not to produce misery, by harsh, unfeeling requirements. It is not to be so Interpreted as to produce suffering, by making the necessary supply of wants unlawful. Man was not made for the Sabbath. Man was created first, and then the Sabbath was appointed for his happiness, Gen 2:1-3. His necessities, his real comforts and wants, are not to bend to that which was made for him. The laws are to be interpreted favourably to his real wants and comforts. This allows works only of real necessity, not of imaginary wants, or amusement, or common business, and worldly employments. To crown all, Christ says that He was Lord of the Sabbath. He had a right to direct the manner of its observance, A proof that He is Divine.

But if ye had known what this meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless.” Matt12:7

 I will have mercy, and not sacrifice That is, the law of mercy is much more excellent than the law of ceremonies; Hosea6:6, Micah 6:6-8; Isaiah1:11-17,1Sam15:22-23, Ps40:6-8 and where both cannot be observed, the less must give way to the greater.  God never intended that the ceremonies of His service in the first table, should hinder works of mercy prescribed in the second table. Jere7:21-23. All God’s commands are for man’s good.  Rom8:28. Where both cannot be obeyed, He will have the moral duty performed, and the ceremonial service omitted:   He will have mercy and not sacrifice: Matt9:13. that is, he will have mercy rather than sacrifice, where both cannot be had. Our heart, attitude toward God comes first, only then can we properly obey and observe religious regulations and rituals.

ye would not have condemned the guiltless–that is, if you understood the great principle of all religion, which the Scripture everywhere recognizes, that ceremonial observances must give way to moral duties, and particularly the necessities of nature, you would have refrained from these fault-finding complaints against men who in this matter are blameless. Job 32:3; Ps 94:21; Ps109:31; Pro 17:15; James 5:6.

“For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day.” Matt12:8 Christ the Son of man was really the son of God; and as such had power over the sabbath to dispense with it, and to change it, at his pleasure. Ps135:6, P115:3. The creator is always greater than His creation, therefore, Jesus had authority to over rule their traditions and regulations. “And he said unto them, the sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath” Mark 2: 27.

CONCLUSION: He who made the temple and the sabbath, and to whose worship it is devoted. If it was right for David to appease his hunger, and for the priests to do what was needful for the worship of God in the temple, much more was it right for the disciples, in attending upon the Lord of the Sabbath and of the temple, to appease their hunger as they did on the Sabbath-day. Ask the Lord now: Lord help me not to neglect the weightier things for lesser things in my service to God in the name of Jesus.  Matt23:23.



TEXT: MATT 12:9-14

“And when he was departed thence, he went into their synagogue:” Matt12:9. The use of the pronoun “their” indicates that the synagogue in question was under the control of the same Pharisee who had Criticised Him about plucking grain on the Sabbath Matt 12:2. Jesus teaches us that obeying the law of the land is not against showing love to our neighbour. Mark 3:1; Luke 6:6.

“And, behold, there was a man which had his hand withered. And they asked him, saying, Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath days? that they might accuse him.” Matt12:10. Here we have another dispute between our Saviour and the Pharisees concerning the sabbath; whether it was a breach of the sabbath day, to mercifully heal a person having a withered hand? Mark 3:2; Luke 6:7 say they “watched Him whether He would heal on the sabbath day.” They have now come to the point of monitoring His steps, to collect evidence to charge Him for disobedience to the law and disrespect to God.    The pharisees placed their laws above human need. They were so concerned about Jesus breaking one of their rules that they did not care about the man’s deformed hand. What is your attitude towards others? If your beliefs do not allow you to help certain people, then your beliefs may not be in tune with God’s word. Do not allow any set of rules to blind you to human need. God is a God of people, not rules.  Their sabbath rules said that people could be helped on the sabbath if only their lives were in danger. Luke13:14. If Jesus had waited another day, He would have been submitting to the pharisees authority showing their petty rules were equal to God’s law. And if He healed the man on the sabbath, the pharisees could claim that because Jesus broke their rules, His power was not from God. John 9:16. But Jesus action makes it clear that the best time to reach out to someone is when he or she needs help.

And he said unto them, What man shall there be among you, that shall have one sheep, and if it fall into a pit on the sabbath day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift it out?” Matt12:11. Christ disproves them from their own practice, telling the Pharisees, that they themselves judged it lawful to help out a sheep, or an ox, if it falls into a pit on a sabbath day:  is the life of a man not more important if He needs help even on the sabbath day? The life of man is certainly more preferred. Ex 23:4-5; Deut 22:4. This teaches us the deep-rooted malice the Pharisees had against our Saviour:  when they could find no crime to charge him with, they blame him for working a merciful and miraculous healing on sabbath-day.  When envy and malice can find no occasion of quarrel, they will invent one, against the innocent. Men often condemn in others, things which they without hesitation allow in themselves.

“How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days.” Matt12:12.

A man is better than a sheep. If a sheep can be lifted out of its suffering on the Sabbath, why not much more a man? That is of more consequence, or value. If you would show an act of kindness to an animal on the Sabbath, how much more important is it to show similar kindness to one made in the image of God! one for whom the Saviour came to die, and who may be raised up to everlasting life. There are many persons who call themselves Christians, who do more for an animal of burden or pleasure than they do for a man for whom Christ died!

 It is lawful to do well. If the Sabbath day would preclude one from doing good, then it would be an evil. This was universally allowed by the Jews in the abstract; and Jesus only showed them that the principle on which they acted in other things applied with more force to the case before him, and that the act which He was about to perform was, by their own confession, lawful.

“Then saith he to the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it forth; and it was restored whole, like as the other.” Matt12:13

Stretch forth thine hand. The bare command of God is a sufficient reason for obedience.  This man might have reasoned “Lord, my hand is withered; how then can I stretch it out? Make it whole first, and afterwards I will do as thou commands.” This may appear reasonable, but in his case, it would have been foolishness.  At the command of the Lord, he made the effort, and in making it the healing was effected! Acts3:4-7.  Faith disregards apparent impossibilities, where there is a command and promise of God.  The effort to believe is, often, that faith by which the soul is healed.

and it was restored whole.  The omnipotence of the living God, in a moment, restored this withered hand? the man who had a real disease was instantaneously and miraculously healed; and the mercy and power of God were both sufficiently manifested.

It is also, worthy of remark, that the man was healed with a word, without even a touch, therefore, the Sabbath was unbroken, even according to their most rigid interpretation of the letter of the law. However, this miraculous healing did not please the Pharisees; instead of been convinced, they conspired against Him. For the enemies of Christ, when arguments fail, they resort to violence.

Then the Pharisees went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him.” Matt12:14, Matt 27:1

Nothing leads to utter blindness, and hardness of heart, than envy. Luke 6:11 says, they were filled with madness, and communed one with another what they might do to Jesus.” But their doubt was not, whether to get rid of Him, but how to go about it. Mark3:6, These Herodians were supporters of Herod’s dynasty, created by a political party. The Pharisees regarded them as unbelievers to their religion and country. But they combined against Christ as a common enemy. The Pharisees were enraged at the convincing evidence of His miracles, and so went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him. That which vexed them was, not only that by His miracles His honour over shadowed theirs, but that the doctrine He preached was directly opposite to their pride, and hypocrisy, and worldly interest; but they pretended to be displeased at His breaking the sabbath day, which was by the law a capital crime, Ex 35:2 . Observe their cruelty; they took counsel, not to imprison or banish him, but to destroy him, to ensure the death of Him who came that we might have life.

CONCLUSION: Christ shows that works of mercy are lawful and proper to be done on the Lord’s Day. There are more ways of doing well upon sabbath days, than by the duties of worship. By attending to the sick, relieving the poor, helping those who need speedy relief, teaching the young to care for their souls; these are doing good, and these must be done from love and charity, with humility and self-denial, and shall be accepted, Gen 4:7. This, like other healing which Christ wrought, had a spiritual meaning. By nature, our hands are withered, and we are unable of ourselves to do anything that is good. Christ only, by the power of his grace, heals us; He heals the withered hand by putting life into the dead soul, works in us both to will and to do, for, with the command, there is a promise of grace given by the word. Ask the Lord now: Lord help me to do good with love and care to the needy in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT 12:15-21

“But when Jesus knew it, he withdrew himself from thence: and great multitudes followed him, and he healed them all;” Matt12:15

Self-withdrawal is the wise way our Saviour uses for his own preservation, Christ’s example teaches us our duty; to avoid the hands of persecutors, and to wisely preserve our lives unless when our sufferings are likely to do better than our lives. Matt10:23.

Jesus was aware the Pharisees were conspiring together to destroy Him Matt12:14. They wanted Jesus dead., but Jesus was enormously popular with the people. So, the pharisees were careful not to move openly against Him. Therefore, in keeping with God’s timeline John2:4, John12:23, Jesus moves away from the heat of the Pharisees’ wrath. In this moment, He avoided further conflict because He has more work to do before His time comes to be arrested and killed by the Romans John12:32-34. However, Jesus may have moved away from the Pharisees, but He did not escape the crowds of people that continually followed Him. Matt19:2. Not only were they drawn to His powerful and authoritative teaching, Jesus “healed them all.” In this phase of His ministry, Jesus healed anyone who came to Him with any disease, affliction, or demon oppression. He was fulfilling His mission of demonstrating to Israel the power of God in the form of the Messiah.

And charged them that they should not make him known:” Matt12:16. The great humility of Christ in concealing his own praises; shows us that He had no ambition that the fame of His miracles should be spread abroad, for He sought not his own glory; neither would He by the noise of His miracles enrage the Pharisees against him to take away his life; knowing that his time was not yet come, and He had much work to do before his death. when the mighty works he did gave Him an opportunity of making a figure, yet He made it appear that He emptied himself, and made Himself of no reputation. Phil2:7-8. Large crowds continue to follow Jesus, and He continues to heal everyone who comes to Him for help Matt12:15. He tells them not to tell how they were healed or, perhaps, that He is the Messiah. Why did He order those He has helped not to tell anyone?  Jesus may have been attempting not to draw the attention of Jewish religious leaders who wanted to destroy Him. Matt12:14 Or He may have been trying to manage the size of the crowds following Him. His mission was to bring healing to Israel and demonstrate the power of God, He did not want people coming to Him for the wrong reasons, because that would hinder His teaching Ministry and raise false hopes about earthly kingdom.  Many people who believed Him to be the Messiah may have expected Him to use His power to overthrow their oppressors John6:15. Jesus had not come to do that and did not seem to want that expectation to grow.

That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying,” Matt12:17

The people expected the Messiah to be a king. This quotation from Isaiah’s prophecy, Isaiah42:1-4 showed that the Messiah was indeed a king, but it illustrated what kind of King He would be, a quiet, gentle ruler who brings justice to the Nations. Like the crowd in Jesus’ day, we may want Christ to rule as a king and bring great and visible victories in our life, but often Christ’s work is quiet and it happens according to Hs perfect timing, not ours. Matt 8:17; Matt13:35; Matt21:4;

There are few things to Observe here:

  1. A description of Christ as a Mediator; He is God the Father’s Servant, employed in the most noble service, namely, of instructing and saving a lost world.
  2. The meekness and gentleness with which Christ sets up His spiritual kingdom in the world; He did not do it with noise and clamour, with force and violence, subdue and conquer; but with meekness and gentleness gains person’s consent to his government and authority.
  3. The gentle carriage of Christ in treating those with infirmity. He will graciously preserve and tenderly cherish the smallest beginnings, the weakest measures, and the lowest degrees, of sincere grace, which He observes in any of His children and people. Isaiah42:3, Matt12:20. By the bruised reed and smoking flax, understand such as are broken with the sense of sin, and overpowered by corruption, Christ will not break with his power, not quench with his rebukes, till He has perfected their conversion, and their weak grace is become victorious. Matt11:28.

Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased: I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles.” Matt12:18. Isaiah 42:1; Matt 3:17; Matt17:5.

Behold my servant   This title was given to our blessed Lord in several prophecies. Isaiah 42:1; Isaiah53:2. Christ assumes it in Ps 40:7-9.  Compare these with Joh 17:4, and Php 2:7. God required an acceptable and perfect service from man; but man, being sinful, could not perform it.  Jesus, taking upon him the nature of man, fully performed the whole will of God, and communicates grace to all His followers, to enable them perfectly to love and worthily to magnify their Maker.

 I will put my spirit upon him. This involved “the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him following the baptism by John. Matt3:16. Isaiah 11:2; Isaiah 61:1-3; Luke 3:22; Luke4:18; John 1:32-34; John3:34, Acts 10:38.

And he shall show judgment to the Gentiles.  That is, He will publish the Gospel to the heathens. The word judgment means, in the Hebrew, law, command    Ps 19:9; Ps119:30,39; Isaiah 58:2.

Gentiles. All who were not Jews. This prophecy was fulfilled by the multitudes coming to Him from Idumea and beyond Jordan, and Tyre and Sidon, as recorded by Mark 3:7-8.

He shall not strive, nor cry; neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets.” Matt12:19.

He shall not strive, nor cry. The spirit of Christ is not a spirit of contention, murmuring, clamour, or arguments.   He who loves these does not belong to him.  Christ therefore fulfilled a prophecy by withdrawing from this place, on account of the rage of the Pharisees. Matt 11:29; Luke 17:20; John 18:36-38; 2Cor 10:1; 2Tim 2:24,25.

 neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets. Nobody will hear His voice in the streets. In other words, the servant is gentle and humble, not putting effort into calling attention to Himself. This was true of Jesus, as well. He taught publicly and He healed many people, but He avoided conflict with His enemies when it was wise Matt12:15-16, and warned His followers not to publicize His miracles. Still, the crowds grew. Jesus did not have to engage in self-promotion to draw people to His words and deeds.

“A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory.” Matt12:20

He will pronounce sentence and judgment, in spite of the world and Satan, and show himself conqueror over all his enemies.

A bruised reed shall he not break.  A reed is, in Scripture, the emblem of weakness, Ezek 29:6; and a bruised reed signifies that state of weakness that borders on dissolution and death.

And smoking flax shall he not quench. This means the wick of a lamp which expires when the oil has been all burnt away. Christ would not destroy it, but leave it to expire of itself, as it already contained the principles of its own destruction. It also implies the kind of great tenderness with which the blessed Jesus should treat the weak and the ignorant, whose good desires must not be stifled, but encouraged.  The bruised reed may recover itself, if permitted to vegetate under the genial influences of heaven; and the life and light of the expiring lamp may be supported by the addition of fresh oil.  Jesus therefore quenches not faint desires after salvation, even in the worst and most undeserving of men; for even such desires may lead to the fulness of the blessing of the Gospel of peace.

Judgment unto victory.  Mt 12:18. By judgment, understand the Gospel, and by victory its complete triumph over Jewish opposition, and Gentile impiety.  He will continue by these mild and gentle means to work till the whole world is Christianized, and the universe filled with his glory.

And in his name shall the Gentiles trust.” Matt12:21

This verse sets forth the breadth of Christ’s conquest over all nations. It reaches beyond our times into a future which is yet to be.  Jesus Christ is the sole hope and trust of mankind; to trust and hope in his name, JESUS, is to expect salvation and all things necessary from him alone, to despise, all earthly promises, to esteem, love, and desire heavenly things only, and to bear with patience all the losses and evils of this life, upon the prospect and hope of that felicity which he has purchased for us. Isaiah 11:10; Rom 15:12-13; Eph 1:12-13; Col 1:27 CONCLUSION: Jesus gave an example to His ministers, to do what they can, when they cannot do what they would, and to continue teaching, even when they are removed into corners. Though the Pharisees persecuted Christ for doing good, yet He went on in it, and did not let the people fare the worse for the wickedness of their rulers. Therefore, though some are unkind to us, we must not on that account be unkind to others. Ask the Lord now: Lord help me to be good loving and caring servant in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT 12:22-30

“Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw. And all the people were amazed, and said, Is not this the son of David? But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.


They brought to Jesus, One possessed with a devil, that is, a person with an indwelling demon who took away both sight and hearing. John10:10. Satan is the master of captivity. Satan makes himself master of the heart, the eyes, and the tongue of the sinner. Satan fills the heart of a sinner with the love of sin; he blinds his eyes that he may not see his guilt, and the destruction which awaits him; and his tongue he hinders from prayer and supplication, but he gives the sinner increasing liberty in blasphemies, lies, slanders, only Jesus can redeem the sinner from this threefold captivity of the devil. Luke11:14-15, Ps 51:15; Isaiah 29:18. So, at the instance of Christ’s miraculous power, He healed him and at this miracle the multitude wonder, saying, is not this the son of David? that is, the promised Messiah.? Is not this the true Messiah?  Do not these miracles sufficiently prove it?  Isaiah 35:5. Mark9:33. The Pharisees hearing this, with great bitterness and contempt said, This fellow casteth out devils by Beelzebub the prince of devils. How wicked, and malicious for people to think that Christ casteth out devils by the help of the devil.  Understand that no matter how good your actions may be people will criticise, censure, and misconstrue your intentions.  The best way is to square our actions by the right rule of justice and charity, and then let the world pass their judgement at their pleasure. If the Holy and innocent Jesus was accused and assaulted, what news is it if we His sinful servants be accused and insulted on all sides by wicked tongues!  Why should we expect better treatment than the Son of God. The Pharisees had already accused Jesus of being empowered by the prince of demons. Matt9:34. They were trying to discredit Him by using an emotional argument. Refusing to believe that Jesus came from God, they said He was in league with Satan, but Jesus easily exposed the foolishness of their argument

“And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:” Matt12:25, Matt 9:4.

Jesus has profound insight into human nature. His discernment stopped the pharisees attempts to trick Him. John 2:25; Rev 2:23. Christ knows all our thoughts, He knows what we really mean when we speak to Him, we cannot hide anything from Him He knows our selfish motives. Heb4:12.

 Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation. Jesus is saying that, the welfare of any kingdom, city, or family, depends on its unity and harmony, therefore, Satan, like every other self-important person, must wish to rule his empire in peace and security; how then can Satan be in league with Jesus, who oppose his authority, and is destroying his kingdom? Most states and kingdoms fall, not by the power of foreign enemies, but by the weakness due to divisions.

Therefore, for Our blessed Saviour, to clear His innocence, and to convince the Pharisees of the unreasonableness of their calumny and false accusations, offers several arguments for their consideration in the following verses.

“And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?” Matt12:26.

  1. That is, it is very unlikely that Satan should lend Him His power to use it against himself. Because Satan has a kingdom, so he has enough power to preserve his kingdom, and will do nothing to weaken his own interest.  And so, if I have received my power from Satan for destroying him and his kingdom, then Satan is divided against himself.

A good cause will produce a good effect, and an evil cause an evil effect.  Where I on Satan’s side, I would act for his interest and confirm his influence among you; but I oppose his ways by my doctrine, and his influence by my power. No organized society can stand–whether kingdom, city, or household–when turned against itself; such internal war is suicidal.

“And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges.” Matt12:27.

  1. Our Saviour tells them, that as much as they might with many reasons attribute all miracles that were wrought by Him to the devil, they should remember that there were certain Jews among themselves, who cast out devils in the name of the God of Abaraham, Isaac, and Jacob; therefore, Christ asks the Pharisees, by what power these their children cast them out? from our Lord’s saying here it is also evident that the disciples of the Pharisees did cast out demons. Acts19:13. Ask them, if Satan will cast out Satan: let them even be judges in this matter.

But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you.” Matt12:28.

  1. That since they acknowledged that those done by the power of God has no cause but their attacks, should they acknowledge that what He did was by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you: that is, the Messiah is come, because he wrought these miracles to prove that He was the Messiah. The Spirit of God, here, means the power of God–in Luke11:20, by the finger of God. Ex 8:19; Ps 8:3. If this work is not by the aid of Satan, then it is by the aid of God. Then His kingdom, or reign, is come, Matt 3:2. The reign of Satan over men, and the reign of God, are in opposition. If God expels Satan from his dominion over men, then His reign has come.

“Or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house.” Matt12:29, Isaiah 49:24; Luke 11:21-23

  1. Another argument to prove that the miracles which Christ wrought were by the power of God, and not by the help of Satan, is this:  The devil is very strong and powerful, and there is no power but God’s only that is stronger than his:  Now, says Christ, If I were not assisted by a divine power, I could never cast out this strong man, who reigns in the world as in his house:  it must be a stronger than the strong man that shall bind Satan:  and who is He but the God of strength?. Isaiah 49:24; Isaiah53:12; Mark 3:27;1John 3:8; 1John4:4. Men, through sin, become the very house and dwelling place of Satan, having of their own accord surrendered themselves to this unjust possessor; for whoever gives up his soul to sin gives it up to the devil.  It is Jesus, and Jesus alone, who can deliver from the power of this bondage.  When Satan is cast out, Jesus purifies and dwells in the heart.

 “He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.” Matt12:30

   He that is not with me is against me.  In vain do men seek for methods to reconcile God and mammon.  There is no medium between loving the Lord and being his enemy-between belonging to Christ or to Satan.  If we be on the side of the devil, we must expect to go to the devil’s hell; if we be on the side of Christ, we may expect to go to His heaven.  When Christ, His truth, and His servants are assaulted, he who does not support their cause is not on Christ’s side, but incurs the guilt of deserting and betraying him.  There are many, in the world who are really against Christ, and scatter abroad, who flatter themselves that they are workers together with Him, and of the number of his friends!

Scattereth abroad. He who does not help the true shepherd to gather his flock into the fold is, most likely, one who wishes to scatter them, that he may have the opportunity of stealing and destroying them There are in our world no neutrals; all men are either for Christ or against Him. Rev 3:15-16.

CONCLUSION: A soul under Satan’s power, and led captive by him, is blind in the things of God, and dumb at the throne of grace; sees nothing, and says nothing to the purpose. Satan blinds the eyes by unbelief, and seals up the lips from prayer. The more people magnified Christ, the more desirous the Pharisees were to vilify Him. It was evident that if Satan aided Jesus in casting out devils, the kingdom of hell was divided against itself; how then could it stand! And if they said that Jesus cast out devils by the prince of the devils, they could not prove that their children cast them out by any other power. There are two great interests in the world; and when unclean spirits are cast out by the Holy Spirit, in the conversion of sinners to a life of faith and obedience, the kingdom of God is come unto us. All who do not aid or rejoice in such a change are against Christ. Ask the Lord now: Lord help me to be hot for you in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT 12:31-32

Unpardonable sin is the sin that cannot be is the deliberate refusal to acknowledge God’s power in indicates a deliberate and irreversible hardness of heart. You cannot forgive anyone who will never ask for forgiveness. Whoever rejects the prompting of the Holy Spirit removes himself or herself from the only force that can lead him or her to repentance and restoration to God.

“Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.” Matt12:31, Luke 12:10; Acts 7:51; Heb 6:4; Heb10:26& 29,1John5:16.    

What is sin? Sin is the transgression of the law, to break the law of God. 1John3:4. Sin is considered as the deliberate violation of God’s will. It is any action, feeling or thought that goes against God’s standards, and includes sins of omission, which is failing to do what is right. Isaiah14:12-16, Ezk 28:2,14-17. The word sin in the original bible language means “to miss a mark or target. Apostle Paul was conscious of this. Phil3:13-21. The bible was originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic and in Greek.

What is blasphemy? Blasphemy is speaking evil of is a mocking and deriding speech. It is Great disrespect shown to God or to something Holy, or something said or done that shows disrespect. Blasphemy is Injurious or evil speaking of God.  Matt 9:3.

 All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven: all sin whether it is ordinary or is sever it shall find forgiveness with God. Accordingly, in Mark 3:28 the language is still stronger: “Very I say unto you, All sin shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme.” There is no sin whatever, it is, no matter what it is , that is not a pardonable sin. That is, only on condition that men repent and believe. If they continue in this sin, they cannot be forgiven, Mark 16:16; Rom 2:6-9.

but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.  What is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? The Pharisees had already committed it. They had attributed the works of the Holy Spirit by whose power Jesus wrought His miracles to the devil. Matt 12:24&28, Mark 3:30. Ascribing the miracles Christ wrought, by the power of God, to the spirit of the devil, it was like saying that the highest displays of God’s mercy and power were the work of the devil. That sin was without excuse and would not be forgiven in their age or in the coming one Matt 12:32. People often ask if they can commit the unpardonable sin. Probably some do who ridicule the manifest work of God’s Spirit in men’s lives and attribute the Spirit’s work to the spirit of the devil. Ascribing those miracles to the power of the devil, which Christ wrought by the power of the Holy Ghost, ascribing Christ’s works to demoniac influence whereas these works were wrought by the power of the Spirit.

And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.” Matt12:32

Matt 11:19; Matt13:55; John 7:12&52; 1Tim 1:13.

And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him. A word against the Son of man shall be forgiven. The Jews were offended at the humble life and appearance of the Saviour. They reproached Him as being a Nazarene who came from Nazareth, a place from which no good was expected to proceed; with being a Galilean, from Galilee, a place from which no prophet came, John 7:52. Jesus says that reproaches of this kind could be pardoned. Reflections on His poverty, His humble birth, and the lowliness of His human nature, such as calling Him a Wine-bibber and a Glutton, and the like might be forgiven. But for those which affected his Divine nature, accusing him of being in league with the devil, denying his divinity, and attributing the power which manifestly implied divinity, to the prince of fallen spirits, there could be no pardon. This sin was a very different thing from what is now often supposed to be the sin against the Holy Ghost. It was a wanton and blasphemous attack on the Divine power and nature of Christ. Such a sin God would not forgive.

but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him. Speaketh against the Holy Ghost. This refers to the Divine nature of Christ–the power by which He wrought His miracles. The word ghost means spirit, and means the Divine nature or spirit with which the man Jesus was endowed. Therefore, He that speaks against me as a man of Nazareth, that speaks contemptuously of my humble birth, etc., may be pardoned; but he that reproaches my Divine character, charging it as being in league with Satan, and blaspheming the power of God manifestly displayed by me, can never obtain forgiveness.

neither in this world, neither in the world to come. That is, in danger of eternal damnation. it means that the guilt will be unpardoned for ever; that such is the purpose of God, that He will not forgive a sin so direct, presumptuous, and awful. It cannot be inferred from this that any sins will be forgiven in hell.

CONCLUSION:  That the Pharisees seeing our Saviour work miracles, and cast out devils by the Spirit of God, contrary to the conviction of their own minds, maliciously ascribed His miracles to the power of the devil, calling Him a sorcerer and a magician,  having a familiar spirit, by whose help He did those mighty works; when in truth He did them by the Spirit of God, this sin above all others is called unpardonable, of such blasphemers of the Holy Spirit, is  dangerous, because they resist their last remedy, and oppose the best means for their conviction.  What can God do more to convince a man that Jesus Christ is the true Messiah, than to work miracles for that purpose?  Now they will say it is not God that works them, but the devil; as if Satan would conspire against himself, and seek the ruin of his own kingdom; there is no way left to convince such persons, but they must and will continue in their opposition to truth, to their inevitable condemnation.Hosea4:6 Ask the Lord now: Lord help me ,I repent today of every sin or blasphemy against the Holy Spirit that is known or unknown to me  in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT 12:33-37

The fruit a tree produces reveals the type of tree it is. The character of a Christian reveals the type of Christian.

“Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit.” Matt12:33. In other words, you can tell a tree at once by the fruits it produces. Matt 7:17; Luke 6:43-44. These words of our Lord Jesus refer to either the Pharisees, or to Christ himself and to all men.

If to the Pharisees, Jesus is saying, you hypocritical Pharisees show yourselves what you are by your words and actions, even as the fruit from a tree shows what the tree is. A hypocrite can only produce the fruits of a pretender, he cannot bring forth consistent actions.

If to Christ, then Jesus is saying to the Pharisees themselves, to judge of Him and His Words by the miracles which He wrought. If He wrought them by the devil, His works would be as bad as the devil’s works; but if His works were good, they must own them to be wrought by the power of God.

And if to all men, the expression implies, that a man may be known by his actions, as a tree may be known by his fruit; yet not by a single action, but by a series of actions; not by a particular act, but by our general course. Your actions reflect who you are. Luke6:45. The works will resemble the heart: nothing good can proceed from an evil spirit; no good fruit can proceed from a corrupt heart. James3:12. Before the heart of man can produce any good, it must be renewed and influenced by the Spirit of God.John15:4-7.

“O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” Matt12:34.

O generation of vipers. These are strong words; but they are extremely proper to describe how dangerous the Pharisees were in their actions Matt23:33. Our Lord Jesus called the pharisees a generation of vipers. Indicating that they were a venomous and dangerous sort of men. That it is not always abusive and overzealousness to call wicked men by such names as their sin deserves.

 Out of the abundance of the heart. In other words, out of the overflowing’s of the heart. Wicked words and sinful actions flow. Wicked words and sinful actions and Holy words and righteous deeds are considered as the overflowing’s of a heart. One is full of the spirit of wickedness; and the other is filled with the Holy Spirit, and running over with love to God and man. Rom 3:10-14; James 3:5-8.

 the mouth speaketh; This means that the heart is the fountain both of words and actions:  according as the heart is, so is the current of men’s words and actions, either good or evil. Ps 10:6; Ps52:2-5; Ps53:1; Ps64:3; Ps120:2-4; Ps140:2,3.

“A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.” Matt12:35. In other words, a double treasure is found in the heart of man.

  1. An evil treasure of sin and corruption, both natural and acquired, from where evil things proceed. Now this is called a treasure, not for the preciousness of it, but for the abundance of it; a little does not make a treasure:  and, for the continuance of the life, yet does the heart continue full; nature may be drawn low in this life, by sanctifying grace, but it never can be drawn dry.
  2. A good treasure of grace discovered in a sanctified and renewed man; which is the source and spring from where all gracious actions do proceed and flow. For as the heart of man by nature is the fountain from where all sin springs, so the heart renewed by grace is the source and spring from where all gracious actions do proceed and flow. The good heart of Jesus brought forth its goodness, as the evil hearts of the Pharisees brought forth their evil.

“But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.” Matt12:36. I say unto you; I, that have always been in my Father’s bosom, and fully know his mind; I, that am constituted Judge of quick and dead, and understand the rule of judgment; I, even I, do assure you that every word that has no tendency to promote the glory of God, or some way the good of others, will fall under censure at the great day, without an intervening repentance.

Note here, That there are two sorts of words for which we must be judged; sinful words, and idle words.

Sinful words are blasphemous words, censorious words, lying and slandering words.

Idle words are such as savour nothing of wisdom and piety; that have no tendency to make men either wiser or better:  how light soever men make of their words now, yet in God’s balance another day they will be found to weigh very heavy.

What a bridle should this text be to extravagant tongues!  Let your speech be always seasoned with salt Col 4:6, that is, with wisdom, for our words may mischief others a long time after they are spoken.


How many years may a frothy or a filthy word, a profane scoff, jest, stick in the minds of them that hear it, after the tongue that spake it is dead! A word spoken is physically transient, but morally permanent. Eccl 12:14; Rom 2:16; Eph 6:4-6; Jude 1:14,15; Rev 20:12

“For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” Matt12:37. By this Jesus moves us to be watchful over our words.   By our words we shall be justified; not meritoriously, but declaratively:  good words declare goodness in ourselves, and we shall be declared good to others by our words, if our words and actions do correspond and agree with one another. Death and life are in the power of the tongue; that is, according to the right or wrong using of the tongue, we may judge and gather whether men are dead or alive as to God; and bound for heaven or hellPro 13:3, James 2:21-25

Doubtless justification or condemnation will pass upon men at the day of judgment, according to the state of the person, and frame of the heart; now our words will justify or condemn us in that day, as evidences of the state and frame

of the soul.  We used to say, such witnesses hanged a man; that is, the evidence they gave cast and condemned him.

O think of this seriously:  if words evidence the state of thy soul, what a hellish state must thy soul be in, who hast inured thyself to the language of hell, to oaths and curses; sins whereby the devil cheats men more than by any sins whatsoever!  They are damned for them, yet get nothing by them, neither profit nor pleasure.

CONCLUSION: What we say reveals what is in our heart. What kind of words come out of your mouth? That is an indication of what is in your heart. You must allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with new attitudes and motives, then you will bear good fruits. Ask the Lord now: Lord help me to bear fruit worthy of you in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT 12:38-42

What is a sign? A sign commonly signifies a miracle; that is, a sign that God is with the person, or had sent him. Mark16:17. Signs are used to communicate God’s will, to warn people, and to confirm divine directions. Isaiah7:11&14. Signs are given to warn people, execute divine judgement, and deliver people from oppression. Ex4:17. Some examples of signs in the bible include:

The rainbow, a sign that God keeps His promises. Gen9:13-16 The seven-day week. Sign that God created the earth in six days and rested on the seventh. Ex2:1-3. The changing of water into wine. John2:1-11. Healing the paralytic at Bethesda.John5:1-15. Feeding the five thousand. John6:5-14. Jesus walking on water. John6:16-24. The sign that a maiden will bear a son named Immanuel.Isaih7:14 Gideon’s fleece. A Sign that God was with Him Judges6:37-40


  1. Water Turned to Wine John 2:1-11 Jesus is the Lord of nature able to change one substance into another.
    Healing of the (Nobleman’s) Son Near Death John 4:46-54. Jesus is Lord of life. Able to give life on the one condition of faith.
    3. Healing of the Lame Man at the Pool John 5:1-17. Jesus is the restorer of lost powers. No matter how sinful a man is. Jesus is able to give life to the spiritually dead.
    4. Feeding of the Five Thousand John 6:1-15. Jesus is the food by which we live. He is able to sustain the spiritual life He creates.
    5. Walking on the Water John 6:16-21Jesus is our guide and helper. He is able to come to His disciples. No barriers can keep Him away from His disciples in their times of need.
    6. Healing of the Man Born Blind John 9:1-41. Jesus is our light. He enables every person who is obedient to what he knows of Christ to find still greater truth. Whoever refuses to obey will have his present knowledge taken away.
    7. Raising of Lazarus from the Dead John 11:1-47.Jesus is Lord of ETERNAL LIFE. His gift does not end with death of the physical body.

But despite of all these signs, the pharisees were asking for another miraculous sign.

“Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee.” Matt12:38. They were not sincerely seeking to know Jesus. They had already seen enough miraculous evidence to convince them that He was the Messiah if they would just open their hears, but they have already decided not believe in Him. Matt 16:1; Mark 8:11; John6:30. They pretend not to be satisfied with the proofs He had given them of His divine mission, they wanted signs according to their own dictation. People who disbelieve and reject the truth, often pretend to do it for want of evidence; while the evidence which God has furnished, and which is abundantly sufficient, they overlook.1Cor 1:22.

“But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:” Matt12:39.  An evil and adulterous generation means  they were evil, and unfaithful to the covenant and  to the commandments of God. He replied that no such miracle should be given, He did not mean to say that He would work no more miracles, or give no more evidence that He was the Christ; but He would give no such miracle as they required. He would give one that ought to be as satisfactory evidence to them that He was from God, as the miraculous preservation of Jonah was to the Ninevites that he was divinely commissioned. As Jonah was preserved three days by miracle, and then restored alive, so He would be raised from the dead after three days. As on the ground of this preservation the Ninevites believed Jonah and repented, so on the ground of His resurrection the men of an adulterous and wicked generation ought to repent, and believe that He was from God. Our Saviour’s answer to the Pharisees’ request is  that they should have one sign more, that of His resurrection from the dead:  For as Jonas lay buried three days in the whale’s belly, and was then wonderfully restored, so should our Saviour continue in the grave again.

“The sign of the prophet Jonas,” means the sign or evidence which was given to the people of Nineveh that he was from God, that he had been miraculously preserved, and was therefore divinely commissioned.

For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” Matt12:40, Jonah 1:17. In the whale’s belly; in which he was a type of Christ’s burial. Three days and three nights; that is, parts of three days and nights. The burial of Christ took place on Friday. That was reckoned, according to Jewish custom, as one day. Saturday, through the whole of which Christ was in the tomb, called the heart of the earth, was another day; and the Christian Sabbath, on the morning of which he rose from the dead, was the third day; or according to their mode of speaking, three days and three nights.

“The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.” Matt12:41. Christ teaches, by the sorrowful example of the Jews, that there are none more miserable than they who put out the light of the gospel which was kindled in them. The Ninevites shall condemn the Pharisees, they repented at the preaching of Jonas; but these would not be convinced by the preaching and miracles of Jesus. Jere 3:11; Jonah 3:5; Luke 11:32.

 “The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.

1King 10:1; 2Chro9:1; Luke 11:31. The queen of Sheba, who also came from the south to hear and admire the wisdom of Solomon, shall rise up in judgment against those that reject Christ, who is the Wisdom of the Father; and the doctrine delivered by Him, which was the power of God, and the wisdom of God.

 CONCLUSION: Many people have said. If I could just see a real miracle, then I could really believe in God John4:48, but the response of Jesus to the pharisees applies to us today. We have plenty of evidence, the birth of Jesus, His death, His resurrection and ascension, and centuries of His work in believers around the world. Instead of looking for additional evidence or miracles, accept what God has already given and move forward. He may use your life as evidence to reach another person. Ask the Lord now: Lord use my life as a sign and wonder to glorify your name   in the name of Jesus. 



TEXT: MATT 12:43-45

“When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.” Matt12:43, Job 1:7; Luke 11:24;

 Remember in matt12:38, Matt16:1, The Jews had asked a sign from heaven that should decisively prove that Jesus was the Messiah, and to satisfy their unbelief He replies, that no sign would be given but the sign of Prophet Jonas, because for a time they would profess to believe, and due to their unbelief, they would soon return to their   wickedness, and become worse and worse. Matt16:2-4. Our Lord Jesus is saying that unfaithfulness and wickedness is like an evil spirit in a possessed man, and that these were appropriately   resident in the Jews. If driven out, they would find no other place so comfortable and undisturbed as their bosoms, everywhere they would be compared like an evil spirit going through deserts and lonely places, and finding no place of rest, they would return and dwell with them. We must understand that demonic possessions are real, John 13:27 hence our Lord used it to point out the real state of the Jewish people, and the desolation which was coming upon them. Luke 11:24. 2Thess 2:9-12


  He walketh through dry places. That is, through deserts–regions of country unwatered, sandy, barren, desolate, evil spirits have their abodes in those desolate uninhabited regions. Rev 18:2. “Babylon–is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit;” that is, has become desolate –a place where evil spirits appropriately dwell. Isaiah 13:21: “And satyrs shall dance there;” i.e., according to the ancient Greek translation, “devils, or demons, shall dance there.” Jere 50:39, Isaiah 34:14. He walketh through dry places also refers to the Orphic demonology, in which evil spirits were divided into various classes, according to the different regions of their abode, or places in which they delighted.  These classes are five: 1. Celestial demons.  2., Aerial demons. Eph2:2 3. Aquatic demons.  4. Terrestrial demons. Eph6:12 5. subterranean demons.Rev5:13,Phil2:10 Job 1:7; 1Peter 5:8.

  Seeking rest, and findeth none, because desolate and dry regions are known as uncomfortable habitations; so much so, that the dissatisfied spirit, is better pleased with a dwelling in the bosoms of men, because it affords them an opportunity of doing evil, and so they seek to return there Seeking rest or refreshment.  But a fallen corrupt spirit can have no rest but in the polluted human heart. The corruption of the one is suited to the pollution of the other, and so like cleaves to like.

“Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.” Matt12:44

I will return into my house: The man is called his house, because he had been the place where the spirit had dwelt.

That is the soul of that person from whom he had been expelled by the power of Christ, and out of which he was to have been kept by continual prayer, faith, and watchfulness. Matt26:41,1Peter5:8., Eph6:12-18.

  He findeth it empty: By the absence of the evil spirit, the house is seen as unoccupied, or empty, that is, while the evil spirit was away, the man was restored to his right mind, and was freed from his wicked influence. Mark5:15. To be empty is to be Unoccupied of the former inhabitant, and ready to receive a new one indicating a soul that has lost the life and power of godliness, and the testimony of the Holy Spirit.   Swept and garnished. signifies to be idle, or unemployed, this refers to the person, as well as to his state.  His affections and desires are no longer busied with the things of God, but go about, like an idle person, among the vanities of a perishing world.  Swept, from love, meekness, and all the fruits of the Spirit; and garnished, or adorned, decorated, with the vain show of folly and fashion, With levity and security, so that there is nothing to keep him out, but rather garnished with things inviting to an evil spirit.  This may comprise also smart speeches, cunning responses, for which many who have lost the life of God are known for.

“Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.” Matt12:45.

Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits: To reinforce and entrench himself, Seeing the state of the man, dissatisfied with a lonely dwelling in the desert where he could do no evil, envious of the happiness of the individual, and supremely bent on evil, he resolved to increase his power of dangerous influences, and return. He therefore takes seven other spirits still worse, and return to his former habitation. Seven denotes a large but indefinite number. Seven demons-as many as could occupy his soul, harassing it with pride, anger, self-will, lust, and torturing the body with disease. It was a favourite number with the Jews, and was used to indicate completeness or perfection, or any finished or complete number.  1Sam 2:5; Rev 1:4. But here it means enough and complete to occupy and harass his soul.

More wicked than himself: it appears, that there are degrees of wickedness among the devils themselves.

They enter in and dwell: They take up their permanent abode there. That is for ever in him who is forsaken of God.

The last state of that man is worse than the first.  That is, His soul, that was before influenced by the Spirit of God, and expanded under its heavenly influences, becomes more capable of perfecting iniquity, as its powers are more powerful than before.  Evil habits are formed and strengthened by relapses; and relapses are multiplied, and become more incurable, through new habits. 2Peter 2:19

A person is a slave to whatever controls him or her. Many people believe that freedom means doing anything we want, but no one is ever completely free in that sense. If we refuse to follow God, we will follow our own sinful desires and become enslaved to what our body wants. if we submit our life to Christ, He will free us from slavery to sin. Christ frees us to serve Him, a freedom that results in our ultimate good.2Peter2:20-22. This is speaking to people who have known Christ and how to be saved, but then reject the truth and return to their sin. These people are worse off than before because they have rejected the only way out of sin, the only way of salvation. The person that turns away from Christ rejects the only means of escape Luke11:24-26&49-51. So those who reject Christ will not be saved. Christ died once for all. He will not be crucified again. Apart from His cross there is no other possible way of salvation, so we must avoid hardness of heart that will make repentance impossible 6:4-8, Heb10:26-31;

 Even so shall it be with this generation. The state of that man represents that generation. Much have been done to cure their unbelief; but   unfaithfulness and wickedness had taken firm hold of their minds as their place of habitation. And this was literally accomplished after all the instructions and miracles of the Saviour and His apostles; after all that had been done for them by holy men and prophets, and by the judgments and mercies of God; and after all their external temporary reformations–like the temporary departure of an evil spirit from a man possessed–yet such was their love of wickedness, that the nation became worse and worse. They increased in crime, like the sevenfold misery and wretchedness of the man into whose bosom the seven additional evil spirits came. They rejected God’s messengers, abused His mercies, crucified His Son, and God gave their temple, and capital, and nation, into the hands of the Romans, and thousands of the people to destruction.  


From the parable we learn:

  1. That this parable was the designed to show that the Pharisees, by rejecting the gospel and refusing to believe in Christ, were in a seven-fold worse condition than if the gospel had never been preached to them, and a Saviour had never come among them; because by our Saviour’s ministry Satan was in some sort cast out: but for rejecting Christ and His grace, Satan had got a seven-fold stronger possession of them now than before.
  2. That Satan is an unclean spirit; he has lost his original purity, his holy nature, in which he was created, and is become universally filthy and unclean nature.  He is a perfect enemy to purity and holiness, maligning all that love it, and would promote it.
  3. That Satan is a restless and unquiet spirit; being cast out of heaven, he can rest nowhere; when he is either gone out of a man through policy, or cast out of a man by power, he has no content or satisfaction, till he returns into a filthy heart, where he delights to be as the swine in miry places.
  4. That wicked and profane sinners have this unclean spirit dwelling in them: their hearts are Satan’s house and habitation; and the lusts of pride and unbelief, malice and revenge, envy and hypocrisy, these are the garnishing’s of Satan’s house.  Man’s heart was God’s house by creation, it is now Satan’s by usurpation and judiciary tradition.
  5. That Satan by the preaching of the gospel may seem to go out of persons, and they become sober and civilized; yet if he returns to his old habitation, and the last end of that man may be worse than the beginning.
  6. That we must be vigilant as Christians because Satan is on the loose looking for where to enter.1Peter 5:8, Job 1:7.

Conclusion: Jesus was describing the attitude of the nation of Israel and the religious leaders in particular. Just cleaning up one’s life without filling it with God leaves plenty of room for Stan to enter. The book of Ezra records how the people rid themselves of idolatry but failed to replace it with love for God and obedience to Him. Ridding our life of sin is the first step. We must also take the second step, filling our life with God’s Word and the Holy Spirit. Eph5:18. Unfilled and complacent people are easy targets for Satan. Ask the Lord now: Lord fill my life continuously with the Holy Spirit, help me not leave my life empty for sonata’s use in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT 12:46-50

 “While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him.” Matt12:46.

 behold, his mother and his brethren. WHO ARE THESE FAMILY MEMBERS? These were the children of Joseph and Mary, and the brothers and sisters of   our   Lord Jesus according to the flesh and not of the spirit? John3:6. They were the physical family members of our Lord Jesus.

Matt13:55, Mark 6:3; Mark15:40. John19:25.

stood without, desiring to speak with him, they were standing outside when they should have been standing within, desiring to hear Him. They had the advantage of His daily conversations in private, and perhaps were less mindful to attend His public is often said that those who are nearest to the means of knowledge and grace, are most negligent. Familiarity and easiness of access breed some degree of contempt. We often think that the access we have today, we may have it any day, forgetting that it is only the present time we can be sure of, tomorrow is none of ours.  There is truth in that common proverb that says, “The nearer the church, the further from God.”

“Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee.” Matt12:47

desiring to speak with thee. This message was an interruption and an interference. He felt this to be an unseasonable interruption, it assumed that their business with Him was more urgent than His business with the people. Christ was so intent on His work, that no natural or other duty took Him from it. This does not mean that, we should under the pretence of Christianity, be disrespectful to parents, or unkind to relations; but the lesser duty must stand by, while the greater is done. Let us cease from men, and cleave to Christ; let us look upon every Christian, in whatever condition of life, as the brother, sister, or mother of the Lord of glory; let us love, respect, and be kind to them, for His sake, and after His example.

“But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?” Matt12:48.

This question was asked merely to fix the attention of the hearers, it was designed to awaken attention, and to usefully communicate instruction to His followers.

“And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren!” Matt12:49. In other words, also look at those who have spiritual relationship with me. None are more near unto us than they that are of the household of faith. Jesus loved His mother and brothers, but they were not to interfere in His Messianic work. The real spiritual family of Jesus included :(1) All who follow Him. Matt23:8. (2) All who are heirs with Christ. Rom8:17, Rom9:26, Rom16:13, 1Cor4:17. (3) All who are sanctified and recognised by Christ.Heb2:11. (4) All who are united in Christ on earth and in heaven. Eph2:19, Eph3:15. But it was hard for Mary to go back to Nazareth and leave Jesus with the excited crowd so great that He was not even stopping to eat. Mark 3:20.

“For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.” Matt12:50. Those who are united to Him by spiritual ties, and who have become one with Him by the indwelling of His Spirit are those He best acknowledged as His relatives. No affection between earthly friends, equals that which exists between Christ and those who do the will of His Father. The pre-eminence of spiritual relationship to earthly relationships is based on doing the will of God. Doing the will of God is obeying God. Acts5:29,2John1:6, Jere42:6, Matt7:21 Doing the will of God establishes divine relationship. Matt12:50. Doing the will of God begins with submission to the divine will. Matt26:42, John5:30, Acts21:14. Doing the will of God tends to spiritual knowledge. John7:17, Rom12:2. Doing the will of God must be from the whole heart. Eph6:6. Doing the will of God must be the rule of everyday life. James4:15.1John2:17.  None are so near to Jesus Christ as those who hear the word of God and do it. Luke8:19-21, James1:22. The union between Him and those who do the will of God, will live when all other ties are broken, and will grow more intimate and delightful for ever.   No one is a child of God because of human parentage. John 1:13. Family ties are at best temporal; spiritual ties are eternal. Hearing and doing are vital to spiritual relationship with Christ. Matt 7:24; Luke 6:47. Doing is a test of friendship for Jesus John 15:14. This reveals the love of Christ for His followers, Much as He loved His mother, yet He loved His disciples more. He still loves them. He will always love them. His heart is full of affection for them. Though they may be poor, and despised, and unknown to the rich and mighty, yet to Jesus they are still nearer than mother, and sisters, and brothers. Gal 5:6; Gal6:15; Col 3:11; Heb 2:11.


  1. That Our Lord Jesus loved both spiritual and physical family members. John19:26.
  2. That the holy virgin herself was not wholly free from failings and infirmities; for here she does untimely and unseasonably interrupt our Saviour when preaching to the people, and going about his Father’s business. John2:3.
  3. That Christ did not neglect His holy mother, nor disregard His near relations; only showed that He preferred His Father’s service before them.

 4.That believers are so dear to Jesus Christ; He prefers His spiritual kindred before His natural.  Alliance in faith, and spiritual relation to Christ, is much nearer and dearer than alliance by blood: to bear Christ in the heart is much better than to bear Him in the womb.

  1. Blessed be God, that we are not denied this great privilege right now, though we cannot see Christ, yet we can love Him; though His bodily presence cannot be enjoyed by us, but we are not denied of His spiritual presence. Though Christ may not be physically present in our house, in our arms, yet we can have Him in our heart, in faith, in love, in service, and so He can become ours.

CONCLUSION: Verily, spiritual regeneration brings men into a more honourable relation to Christ than natural generation ever did.   Whosoever shall do the will of my Father, he is my brother, and sister, and mother says the Lord. Ask the Lord now: Lord, teach me to do your will and lead me in the path of righteousness in the name of Jesus.Ps143:10.



TEXT: MATT 13:1-9

“The same day went Jesus out of the house, and sat by the sea side”. Matt13:1, Mark 4:1.

The same day.  Our Lord Jesus scarcely takes any rest. He is continuous in His labour, instant in season and out of season.  This sermon was made the same day with that in chapter 12:1. This is the example that He left for all, that they should follow His steps, because anyone who wishes to save souls will find no time to rest. This is a good pattern for the preachers of the gospel to follow.  How shameful it is for us to preach once a week, when our Lord preached twice a day. As Satan is going about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, the messenger of God should imitate his diligence, that he may counter the work of Satan.

“And great multitudes were gathered together unto him, so that he went into a ship, and sat; and the whole multitude stood on the shore.” Matt13:2, Luke 5:3; Luke8:4.

This is an example of the Church, which consists of the people united to their pastor.  Even though He was exposed to violent tossing’s and storms in the ship, they continued at ease on the shore with Him.

“And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow;” Matt13:3, Luke 8:5.

Parables. The parables of Christ were descriptions of natural things, for the purpose of illustrating spiritual things. The seven parables recorded in this chapter all relate to the kingdom of heaven among men. They are both illustrations of its nature and prophecies of its progress. The first FOUR of them were spoken to the mixed multitude, while the remaining THREE were spoken to the Twelve in private. That of the Sower is an Introduction to all of them.

Sower. One who sows or scatters seed. A farmer.

 went forth to sow. Jesus expects us to see the man as he stepped forth to begin scattering with his hand. Every farmer had to go out to sow. This parable is to show us three things:

  1. That there are four sorts of hearers of the word.
  2. That only one sort that hears to a saving advantage.
  3. And, to shew us the cause of the different success of the word preached.


 “And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up:” Matt13:4.

Some seeds fell by the way side. That is the hard beaten path, where no cultivation had taken place on the ground. where there was no opportunity for it to sink into the earth. Careless hearers receive no benefit from the word of truth, though it is faithfully preached to them.

and the fowls came and devoured them up. A vast majority of those who hear the word of God, receive the seed as by the way side. The first danger is, that the birds will devour the seed, because the grains were not covered.

 “Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth:” Matt13:5

Stony places, where they had not much earth. That is, where there was little earth, where it was hard and rocky; so that the roots could not go down into the earth for sufficient moisture to support the plant. Zec 7:12, Ezk 11:19; Ezk36:26, They sprang up the sooner because there was little earth to cover them.

“And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away.” Matt13:6.

The roots could not go down deep enough to obtain the moisture needed for their growth. It was not rooted in that deep, moist soil which would have enabled it to resist the scorching heat of the sun. Matt 7:26-27; Luke8:13; Eph 3:17; Col 1:23; Col2:7.

“And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them:” Matt13:7

Among thorns. That is, in a part of the field where the thorns and shrubs had not been properly cleared away, and not destroyed. They grew with the grain, over shadowed it, as to prevent the grain from yielding increase. Total devotion to this world, by a man’s feelings and conduct in other respects, will prevent all saving power of the gospel; and if it is continued, will exclude the love of God from the soul. 1John 2:15, Jere 4:3- 4.

 “But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.” Matt13:8.

Good ground.  The fertile and rich soil, where the earth was deep, the field well cultivated, and the brambles and weeds all removed. Soft, not like that by the highway side; deep, not like the stony ground; purged, not full of thorns.

An hundredfold, etc. That is, a hundred, sixty, or thirty grains, for each one that was sowed. This is by no means an uncommon increase. Gen 26:12; John 15:8; Gal 5:22-23; Phil 1:11

“Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.” Matt13:9, Matt 11:15; Mark 4:9.

Who hath ears to hear. That is, let every person who feels the necessity of being instructed in the things which concern the welfare his soul pay attention to what is spoken, and he shall become wise unto salvation. it is every man’s duty to pay attention to what was spoken. Rev2:7&11&17.

Let him hear. That is, give heed and seek to understand. Rev13:9.


  1. The Sowers, Christ, and His apostles, He is the prime and principal Sower, they are the secondary and subordinate seedsmen.  Christ sows His own field, His ministers sow his field; He sows His own seed, they sow His seed.  Woe unto us, if we sow our own seed and not Christ’s.
  2. The seed sown, the word of God. Famous and unwritten traditions, which the seedsmen of the church sow, are not seed, but chaff; or their own seed, not Christ’s.  Our Lord’s field must be sown with His own seed, not with mixed grain.
  3. That the word of God preached is like seed sown in the furrows of the field.  As seed has a fruitful virtue in it, by which it increases and brings forth more of its own kind; so, has the word of God a quickening power, to regenerate and make alive dead souls.
  4. That the seed of the word, doth not thrive in all grounds alike, so neither doth the word bring forth fruit alike in the hearts of men. There is a difference both from the nature of the soil, and from the influence of the Spirit.
  5. That the cause of the word’s unfruitfulness is very different, and not the same in all: in some it is the policy of Satan, that bird of prey, which follows God’s plough, and steals away the precious seed.
  6. In others, it is a hard heart of unbelief; in others, the cares of the world, like thorns, choke the word, overgrow the good seed, draw away the moisture of the earth, and the heart of the soul, and hinder the influences of the sun. The far greater part of hearers are fruitless and unprofitable hearers.
  7. That the best ground doth not bring forth fruit alike; some good ground brings forth more, and some less; some thirty, some sixty, and some an hundred-fold.
  8. In like manner a person may be a profitable hearer of the word, although he doth not bring forth so great a proportion of fruit as others, provided he brings forth as much as he can.

CONCLUSION: Good Ground; rich soil, and well prepared. Notice the gradation in respect to these four kinds of soil. In the first, the seed perishes without even springing up; in the second, it springs up, but withers away; in the third, it springs up and bears fruit, but not to perfection; in the fourth, it yields a harvest of perfect grain. Ask the Lord now: Lord, make my heart a good ground for your word so that I can be fruitful in the name of Jesus.



TEXT: MATT 13:10-17

A parable is short simple story illustrating moral or spiritual truth. A simple story that teaches a spiritual or moral lesson. For example, the story of the good Samaritan and the story of the prodigal son. The disciples of Jesus were used to parables, but they were not used to teachers telling so many parables and so they came to Jesus to know why?

“And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?” Matt13:10.

Jesus before now had spoken in some form of parable, but for more vivid illustration, and for the first time He now decides to address them more in parables. Because, He found parables the best way to exposé the true spiritual condition of those to whom He was preaching to.

“He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.” Matt13:11.

 In other words, the gift of understanding and faith is given only to the elect, and all the rest are blinded through the just judgment of God. Matt 11:25, Matt16:17; Mark 4:11; 1Cor 2:10; 1John 2:27

The mysteries of the kingdom. The word mystery, in the Bible, simply means a thing that is concealed, or that has been concealed. It does not mean that the thing was impossible, or even difficult to be understood. The thing might be plain enough if revealed, but it means simply that it had not been made known. Therefore, the mysteries of the kingdom do not mean any doctrine difficult to understand, but simply doctrines about the preaching of the gospel, and the establishment of the new kingdom of the Messiah which had not been understood, and which were yet concealed from the great body of the Jews. Rom 16:26; Rom11:25; Eph 3:3-4&9. The truth is that the gospel was to be preached to the Gentiles, that the Jewish polity was to cease, that the Messiah was to die, etc. To the disciples it was given to know these truths. It was important for them, as they were to carry the gospel around the globe. To the others it was not then given. They were too gross, too earthly; they had conceptions of the Messiah’s kingdom to understand these truths, even if presented. They were not to preach it, and hence our Saviour took the pains to instruct His apostles. The Pharisees, and Jews generally, were not prepared for it, and would not have believed it, and therefore He purposely employed a kind of teaching that they did not understand. (parables)

 “For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.” Matt13:12, Luke 8:18; Luke 19:26.

That is, whosoever improves the measures of grace received, shall obtain further measures and degrees of it:   But from him that doth not improve what he has already received, shall be taken away that which to himself or others he seemed to have, his common gifts and moral endowments.

That, where there are beginnings of true grace, and a right and wise improvement of it, God will make rich additions or more grace to the present stock which we have received. Whosoever hath, means that a man who improves what light, grace, and opportunities he has, shall have them increased. From him that improves them not, it is proper that they should be taken away. The Jews had many opportunities of learning the truth, and some light still lingered among them. But they were gross and sensual, and mis improved them, and it was a just judgment that they should be deprived of them. Superior knowledge was given to the disciples of Christ; they improved it, however slowly, and the promise was that it should be greatly increased.

Matt 25:29; Luke 9:26.

 “Therefore, speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.” Matt13:13. Jesus found parables the best way to exposé the true spiritual condition of those to whom He was preaching. Our Saviour tells them, He had formerly spoken things very plainly and clearly to them, and also wrought miracles before them, to convince them of the divinity of His person and of the verity of His doctrine:  but they would not believe either His person or His doctrine to be from God; and therefore He would now speak to them in dark parables, that they may be judicially blinded; they sinfully shut their eyes against the clearest light, and said they would not see; and now Christ closes their eyes judicially, and says they shall not see.

 To acknowledge the divine justice, which speaks darkly to them that despise the light:  such who see and yet see not, they shall see the shell but not the kernel; they shall hear the parable, but not understand the spiritual sense and meaning of it.  When wilful blindness of mind is added to natural blindness, it is a just and righteous thing with God to super add judicial blindness, and give them obstinancy of heart, his curse unto them.

“And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:” Matt13:14.

Isaiah 6:9; Eze 12:2; Mark 4:12; Luke 8:10; John 12:40; Acts 28:26-27; Rom 11:8; 2Cor 3:14-15.

This means, that as these words were fulfilled in the Jews, in the time of the Prophet Isaiah, so they are now again fulfilled in these their posterity, who exactly copy their father’s example.  These awful words may be again fulfilled in us, if we take not warning by the things which these disobedient people have suffered.

By hearing ye shall hear.  Jesus Christ shall be sent to you, His miracles ye shall fully see, and His doctrines ye shall distinctly hear; but God will not force you to receive the salvation which is offered.

Not perceive; not perceive the spiritual meaning of His words, because, as expressed in the next verse, they shut their eyes against the light. They were not converted, and not saved, as they might have been, had they loved the truth and desired to know it.

“For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.” Matt13:15, Heb 5:11.

  Heart is waxed gross, that is become fat-inattentive, insensible.  They hear heavily with their ears, but are half asleep while the salvation of God is preached unto them.

 Their eyes they have closed, that is totally and obstinately resisted the truth of God, and shut their eyes against the light.

 Lest-they should see, that is lest they should see their lost estate, and be obliged to turn unto God, and seek His salvation. His state is truly deplorable like one who is sick unto death, and yet is afraid of being cured.  The fault is totally in the people, and not at all in God whose name is Mercy and whose nature is love.

“But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.” Matt13:16, Matt 16:17; Luke 10:23-24; John 20:29

That is, you are happy that you are permitted to see truth which they will not see. You are permitted to understand the spiritual meaning of the parables, and in some degree the plan of salvation.

Our Saviour declares His disciples and followers blessed, who received the truths of the gospel just the way they were taught, He assures them that they shall receive further light and fuller measures of spiritual illumination. That such as have received the least measures of spiritual knowledge and saving illumination, and do improve it, are in a happy and blessed condition; for as they are capable of further measures of divine knowledge, so shall they be partakers of them. Blessed are your eyes, for they see.

“For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.” Matt13:17.

The prophets and righteous had longed for the coming of Christ. His disciples enjoyed it. They wished to see the times of the Messiah. They looked to it as a time when the hopes of the world would be fulfilled, and the just be happy.  John 8:5-6, “Abraham rejoiced to see my day; and he saw it, and was glad.”  1Peter 1:10-12; Heb 11:13. So Isaiah and the prophets looked forward to the coming of the Messiah as the consummation of their wishes, and the end of the prophecies, Rev 19:10. The object always dearest to the hearts of all righteous men is, to witness the coming and advancement of the kingdom of Christ.

CONCLUSION: Parables are not just illustrations. They are tests of where we are spiritually, parables disclose our true spiritual condition and that is why Jesus was not hiding truth from sincere seekers, because those who were receptive to spiritual truth understood the illustrations. To others they were only stories without meaning. This allowed Jesus to give spiritual food to those who hungered for it while preventing His enemies from trapping Him. Ask the Lord now: Lord, open my eyes that I might see the truth in your word in the name of Jesus. Ps119:18