About Us


“I have anointed you; I have put my Word in your Mouth, Take a step of Faith.”

Delivered 23rd December 2003.


“Arise, I am with you, go to the Nations of the world, Proclaim my Word, Heal the people, do the work of Deliverance”. Delivered 5th January 2012.

Glory of God Mountain of Life Ministry, a life changing ministry by the Living Spirit of God whose primary goal is to enforce the establishment of the kingdom of God on earth through the word of deliverance, showing the people of all races and nations the way to heaven.

Our Assignment is to enforce the liberation of the entire world from the bondage of the enemy both spiritual and physical through the teaching and preaching of the word of deliverance, equipping them with the power that establishes kingdom life and Releasing men and women into their glorious destinies.

We have through the grace of God, Living proofs that this assignment is progressing with tremendous success by the testimonies of dramatic changes and transformation in the quality of life of the people everywhere our ministry is represented.

The word of deliverance that we teach and preach is a vehicle for the rescue and preservation of all peoples, irrespective of colour, creed or ethnicity. for the benefit of humanity to the establishment of the kingdom of God on earth.

“Whatever, you cannot find in heaven should not be found on earth.”

This assignment is to our generation!.

Glory of God Mountain of Life Ministry is led by Pastor Sam Anachunam , a servant of God with a unique Anointing of the Holy Spirit for end time salvation.